Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1458: : Continue to coax

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Qin Wanyu frowned slightly, "Xiao Xue..."

Although Qiao Xue was very scheming, did a lot of wrong things, and was still obsessed, Qin Wanyu had known her for many years, but still called Xiao Xue.

Perhaps Xiao Xue, who was called Qiao Xue, was also very emotional, and her eyes suddenly softened.

A little bit came out of the dark corner. If you look closely, Qiao Xue is still very beautiful. Except for her pale face, other things are really nothing but the value of teenage girls.

This is why she once thought that she looked better than the wind and thought she could confuse Qin Wanyu's heart.

But so many things happened, between the wind and Qin Wanyu, although not as stable as the river and Huasheng.

But it is not as fragile as everyone thinks. In Huasheng's words, after all, Qin Wanyu wanted to marry the wind, and the wind was also the woman who let Qin Wanyu lay down for him, and the wind was for Qin Wanyu After a child, there was already too much entanglement between them.

Although it is still in the Cold War for the time being, it will be compounded sooner or later. There is basically no suspense.

So you have been watching for so long, and neither Huasheng nor Jiangliu persuaded them, knowing that they will be together sooner or later.

Just unexpectedly, Qiao Xue appeared suddenly to intercept Qin Wanyu.

"Brother Wanyu, don't be afraid, I don't want you to die... I just need you to marry me."

Qin Wanyu's expression was dumbfounded, "Don't make trouble, you are the soul, I am the person, if you want to marry me, that is not to kill me,"

"No, I found a new way. I can live with someone else. That person is also a person. She performed a ritual for you and me. As long as the ritual is over, I can be reborn."

"What? Resurrected?"

Qin Wanyu thought he had heard it wrong, how many years had Qiao Xue gone, still thinking about resurrection?

Perhaps Hua Sheng is right, this girl is no longer the simple little sheep at that time, and the soul will become old and cunning after a long time.

Qiao Xue saw that Qin Wanyu was very responsive, and immediately explained pitifully, "Brother Wanyu, I haven't lived enough. I passed away in my teens, and now I have a rare opportunity to want to be a man again. You can rest assured that I will be resurrected. And won’t bother you with the wind. I just want to...go to my father and mother, find my former home, my former warmth... woo woo."

Speaking of which, Qiao Xue sobbed in a low voice, crying very pitifully.

Qin Wanyu was a little soft-hearted, "But if you are suddenly resurrected like this, they will frighten them."

"No, I will go to them in my capacity and tell them everything... Brother Wanyu, don't you want me to get the warmth and love I used to have?"

Qin Wanyu is masculine, so when he heard Qiao Xue crying so miserably, his heart softened.

"I can help you, but marriage doesn't work. If you need a man to get married, I can help you find it. As long as you are willing to pay, there are many people who are willing to do it, don't you? Tell me first, will this happen? Dangerous, I also don’t want to harm innocent strangers. If it’s not dangerous, I’ll find some for you.”

Qin Wanyu decided to help Qiao Xue in the end, but not with himself, but with strangers.

Where can Qiao Xue be willing, immediately said, "No, brother Anhui, only you can."


"Because...because your birthday is very suitable for me." Qiao Xue lied. Actually, Qiao Xue asked Qin Wanyu because there was a lot of wind in Qin Wanyu's body, many things he had blessed in the past. He couldn't move him easily, the most important thing was that wind amulet.

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