Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1459: : There is a request

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Qin Wanyu was silent... It was definitely unwilling to let him speak in person.

Not to mention that this thing is really fake, except for the wind, he really does not want to have any wedding with any woman.

Even if it is fake, it is uncomfortable.

Qin Wanyu hesitated, and Qiao Xue continued to persuade, "Brother Wanyu, this is really the last time for you, as long as you help me, I promise to disappear from you and the wind forever." Tonight is a rare 18-star Mochizuki day, especially suitable for marriage, the right woman body I found, as long as you nod, we go to hold a simple ceremony, then... I can be resurrected. Hope you can Accomplish me. I know that I did a lot of things in the past that I'm sorry for you and your lord, but I can't help myself... Now I finally let go of your obsession, I just hope you can see the sentiment in our past Go on, help me for the last time, I am grateful for Xiaoxue, and I gave my brother Anhui Yu a bow."

After talking, Qiao Xue really knelt down at Qin Wanyu.

She wore a white dress and fluttered in the spacious and luxurious bathroom. This scene was quite scary at first glance.

But Qin Wanyu was not in a mood to be afraid, but just felt that this matter was very difficult.

Although Qiao Xue was very pitiful, but... he always felt that something was wrong, that kind of faint feeling, that kind of inexpressible sixth sense.

Maybe it has been with the wind for a long time, so it has become a bit sensitive.

Sensitive to the ability to perceive a good or bad thing, of course, he is not sure now, whether Qiao Xue really needs help, or continue to pit him.

So he was embarrassed for a while, and Qiao Xue couldn't get close to him yet.

Because the amulet given by the wind was trying to get close, it was ejected directly a few meters away, and the vitality was seriously injured.

So this time Qiao Xue was also smart, and he didn't approach Qin Wanyu at all.

Just want to wait for a while to deceive Qin Wanyu to go with her to hold a ceremony...and then...

"Xiaoxue, I really believed in you before, but... now I don’t know what to do? I used to protect you and always blame the wind for unreasonable trouble. Then maintain you and protect you, but What about you? Last time, if it wasn’t the amulet given to me by the wind, would you kill me last time?"

"No, I haven't." Qiao Xue shook his head in tears.

"At that time I was really cool. Now that you have disappeared for so long, suddenly come back to me and say these...I really don't know what to do? It stands to reason that I should help you for the last time, after all, we grow up together Great, so many years of affection are still there, although I have no feelings for you, but I am an old acquaintance after all. But...I am also a sensible person, there are some things that I will guard against once I lose, so... Xiaoxue, so I can help you one last time."

"Really? Brother Anhui Yu, thank you very much. Xiaoxue is willing to be a cow and a horse in his next life..." Qiao Xue saw Qin Wanyu agreeing, with excitement and excitement in his eyes.

But Qin Wanyu has the following text. He waved his hand to make Qiao Xue shut up. He continued, "I can help you, but... I have a request."

"You said, I can promise you anything, as long as you are willing to help me."

When Qin Wanyu got hooked, Qiao Xue was overjoyed, and he felt that any request was not a problem.

As long as you can trick Qin Wanyu to go with herself... that place.

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