Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1485: : Can't move

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After listening, Jiang Liu smiled softly. "Here we are. Soon after you left, four people and four strangers came to your house."

After listening to this sentence, the Pluto and the wind not far behind Huasheng's face changed, and Huasheng quickly asked, "What are the four people like?"

"It's weird. There is a tattoo on his face. It says he is a lizard."

"Three lizards." Pluto whispered.

Jiang Liu shook a few spoons, "Yes, he said he was a monitor lizard, and there was no flesh. The whole body was covered with white bones, like a skeleton, and it would glow, just like the specimens in the medical laboratory same."

After listening to the wind, he covered his face and almost laughed out loud. What was so described by the river, so happy?

"Death skeleton." Pluto recognized his identity.

Jiang Liu continued. "There is another one. We saw the last time. The woman in the red dress will spit the spider's web...wife, do you remember?"

Hua Sheng nodded, "Black Devil Spider."

"The last one is more interesting, talking slowly, walking slowly, wearing something like a unicorn armor, and looking gray...I heard what other people call it a hedgehog?"

"Wanjia Hedgehog?"

"Yes, this is it." Jiang Liu nodded.

Pluto glanced at Hua Sheng, "That's right, it's right to urge the mother-in-law to say that there are indeed three people from the Three Earth Demons, plus a Grim Reaper Skeleton among the Three Demons."

"Husband, what about them now?"


"Leave?" Hua Sheng was stunned. Pluto and the wind behind him were also dumbfounded.

"Well, away, those people are very kind, they will fight when they first come. Then Xiaohe helped me, and scratched the monitor lizard... It was very angry, and it rushed up, and Xiaohe again I scratched it. I was scared a little, and the other few people kept talking nonsense, chattering, saying that they were ordered to catch me, no wonder four people and the like came out, I didn’t quite understand..."

"Then did you hurt?"


"Then how did they go?"

"In the end, the woman in red said one of them, what could not move me, I think they might be afraid of Xiao Hei, and felt that it would be futile to continue the confrontation tonight, and they wouldn’t let you come back in a while, and they didn’t even Eat good fruit and leave."

Pluto nodded, "Jiangli said it makes sense, they are not fools, and they won't delay you back..."

"I depend, you are too powerful, Jiangli, do you know who these four people are in your mouth just now? I rely on... you are a mortal, you have run four magical law protectors?" The wind is almost all He was about to kneel down and bow the river to bow.

The level of the bull fork is very good...

"Don't don't, it's not my credit, I didn't do anything, it's Xiao Hei, it protects me."

Huasheng is clear about the strength of Xiaohei, so he left Xiaohei only with one Xiaohei... just to run the four magicians of the demon world, is it still a bit mysterious?

However, Jiang Liu was a person who never lied, and Hua Sheng couldn't figure out a clue for a while.

"Huasheng, where is your black cat, this seat wants to see you?" After hearing this, Pluto suddenly became interested in Huasheng's black cat.

"Eh, it was here just now? Where did it go? But I recorded some videos on my mobile phone, you can check it out." Jiang Liu's excited mobile phone wanted to give evidence that Xiao Hei could speak. Everyone take a look.


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