Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1486: : Ordinary is a blessing

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

However, when Jiangliu took out his mobile phone, everything changed, and everything in those pictures was dark and invisible.

"Eh? How could this happen, just now."

"Normal, it interferes with your magnetic field, you can't record it." Pluto said.

"Who is Xiao Hei?"

"that's it."

"This kid is awesome." Jiangliu Fuqian, once again embarrassed in front of his wife and love, said it was recorded as evidence, but the evidence was gone.

"Xiaohe fights four magic world protectors, this... is a little mysterious."

To be honest, Xiaohe also knows more about the strength of the wind and the wind, but to say that it can do four magic world protections with one cat, the wind has always been not convinced, but it is useless to believe it, except for the river and the small Black, there is no third person.

Jiangliu is a pure Muggle, and can only give credit to children.

"Xiaohei should still be upstairs. I'll take you to find it."

The wind became more sensible, and took Pluto directly to the Ten Mile Spring Breeze Tower to find Xiaohei, but it gave Jiangliu and Huasheng couple time to talk.

The river stepped forward to help Hua Sheng untie the white cloak.

"Wife, is it hard work?"

Hua Sheng shook his head.

"Is it all solved?"

"Well, solved."

"That's good, you see that the snow is so big outside, Minger, I'm lazy for a day, don't want to go to work, I will take you to Meizhuang, OK?"

Just hearing these two words, Hua Sheng felt warm.

"Okay, Meizhuang must be beautiful this season."

"Yeah, Uncle Li and Aunt Li are always nagging you, saying that you haven't been there for a long time, and that they left you with a black chicken, stewed with soup, and then remembered that you were a vegetarian. Aunt Li also scolded Li for this. Uncle said that he had a bad memory and even forgotten what Mrs. Shao liked. Uncle Li was also amused and could not justify himself. He said that Mrs. Shao’s body was so thin, what kind of vegetarian food did she eat, and drink more chicken broth to be healthy. "

After that, the river stream smiled gently, but Hua Sheng's expression was a bit strange.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say something that made you unhappy?" Jiang Liu felt a little confused.

Hua Sheng shook his head, but instead held the warm palm of the river, "No, my husband, this kind of life is very good, I like it very much...I want to go down with you like this. Uncle Li is right, I am like this What kind of vegetarian food do you eat? You will eat more meat in the future. If you have a chance... you still need to have a baby."

"Asheng..." Jiang Liu felt a little regretful, and it would be better not to mention the topic of raising and raising children. Could it be that Asheng was more attentive?

"Okay, go and give me a bowl of beef noodles. I'm hungry now to eat a cow."

Jiang Liu spoiled with a smile, and hurried into the kitchen to get busy.

This night, Sure enough, Pluto and Heze also stayed together to eat noodles. This situation is also strange.

The Huasheng River and the wind were okay, the three of them were already familiar with it, and Pluto stayed for dinner, which Huasheng didn't expect.

However, Jiang Liu kept it sincerely. After all, he knew that Pluto had done a lot for Ashen, but he still thanked him from the heart.

Pluto is not a ignorant person, just stayed.

Jiangliu's cooking is exceptionally good. Everyone ate two bowls. For the first time, Huasheng ate so much, and even drank the soup.

"Did Xiaohe find it?" After thinking for a long time, Huasheng remembered a more important thing, that is, they just forgot to ask, did they find Xiaohei?

Xiaohei is now a hero of ten miles of spring breeze, and one person ran four magic world protectors.

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