Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1512: : News again

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Xie Dongyang just smiled evilly, but did not answer Lin Mengmeng.

Early next morning

Some media photographed Lin Mengmeng staying in Xie Dongyang's private villa last night, and the two returned together last night. Only Lin Mengmeng came out this morning.

Obviously this is overnight, everyone is an adult, and living together overnight is really nothing.

But the key is that Xie Dongyang and Lin Mengmeng are both topical people, so they went on Weibo hot search in the morning, and the major media also reported one after another.

Hua Sheng was awakened by the news in the group in the morning, and she was still confused.

Hua Zhi began to gossip.

Hua Zhi: Wake up, Xie Dongyang has announced his relationship?

Huasheng: What's the situation?

Feng Xi: Xie Dongyang has always been single, and it's okay for people to announce a relationship. Where is the highlight?

Hua Zhi: The highlight is that this time the heroine is actually Lin Mengmeng.

Feng Xi: Who is Lin Mengmeng?

Hua Zhi: Okay, keep going to sleep when the wind blows, when I didn't say it.

People like Feng Xi and Hua Sheng who don't chase stars and don't pay attention to the dynamics of the entertainment circle, you don't know what you say to her, which also makes Hua Zhi very hurt.

It was still Ginkgo and Yu Ping that could catch up with the words, which calmed Hua Zhi's grief.

Ginkgo: Miss Three, is that Lin Mengmeng the big celebrity? Claiming to have more than 30 million female fans?

Hua Zhi: That's right, it's her.

Yu Ping: Lin Mengmeng, I know, I have seen her interview, how to say? If I said directly, don’t be upset, Sheng.

Hua Sheng: Is it related to me? This person?

Hua Sheng does not really know who Lin Mengmeng is. If Hua Zhi is not a star, she really never touches anything in the entertainment industry.

Hua Zhi is pregnant now, and has long been married to the Wang family, but lives the life of a grandma.

But there is a saying, she is right.

Although the elder sister is not in the rivers and lakes, there is still the legend of the elder sister in the rivers and lakes, this is the great place of Hua Zhi.

Hua Zhi now happens to be investing in some movies and TV series as a behind-the-scenes producer.

And some friends in the circle also have contact, such as Ai Chen, Hua Sheng has always felt quite sorry about Ai Chen.

Ai Chen sings nicely, looks good, has a straightforward temperament, and really likes Xie Dongyang.

Frustrated, Xie Dongyang and her didn't make any sparks. Later, when the little girl retreated, she found someone else, but she didn't have anything to do with Xie Dongyang.

Yu Ping: Ashen, I think that Lin Mengmeng's eyebrows are vaguely like you, maybe it feels.

Hua Zhi: This is what I want to say. I went to check the photos in the morning.

Ginkgo: Ha? Wouldn’t it be the face of our young lady? Disgusting.

Feng Xi: Ashen's face value is already a household name, when she just married Jiangliu, the media went crazy and secretly reported. At that time, I remember that there was a frenzy, that is, there were girls who were dressed like Ashen. Some even crazier went to face the face of A Sheng, and finally the whole was miserable, terrible. This group of post-00 cubs is so beautiful that they can even lose their lives, so terrible.

Hua Sheng: Not at all? Anyway, celebrities, so doing...

Hua Zhi: I dare not say anything else. After all, it was just a sneak shot until the night. There was nothing to say about the matter between men and women, but this time, what did Xie Dongyang say? In these years, he has never admit to having a love relationship. Even if he had escaped from Asheng's wedding and rolled the sheets with the third-line sleazy goods, he has never admitted having a relationship, is he a ruthless person?

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