Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1513: :Or not

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Hua Zhi suddenly mentioned a period of time in the past, but let everyone recall memories.

Xie Dongyang, this is indeed very hard-working. At the beginning, there were countless women, but the fun is that he never admitted to love. No woman let him tell the media to the public in person. This is also the unwillingness of many women. ?

In his own words, since I am going to be a scumbag, I definitely want to scum in the end.

You can sleep, but you never admit to sleeping.

At that time, the wedding evasion was true because it was rumored that A Sheng was stuttering and ugly, and had never attended school.

Moreover, Xie Dongyang has always been against marriage, but he never thought of exposing himself and the third-line actress.

In the end, it was the woman who used the means and wanted to take the opportunity to force Xie Dongyang to disclose herself, but in the end it was stealing the chicken and not killing the rice.

So, in these years, Xie Dongyang really hasn't confessed his relationship?

Feng Xi: It doesn't matter anymore. It's good for him to fall in love or get married now. We're just going to eat melons.

Hua Zhi: I will ask him later, our relationship is pretty good.

In the morning, a few women ended up eating a melon in such a eloquent manner.

Xie Dongyang got up late, and fell downstairs at eight.

Auntie Nanny made breakfast, Xie Dongyang wore a white bathrobe and went downstairs to eat directly without saying a word.

All messages came from the phone, saying that he and Lin Mengmeng things.

Even Ni Wenwen, who has been very calm, couldn't sit still, and asked Xie Dongyang what to do, do you want to write a public relations article to refute rumors?

Xie Dongyang smiled and ignored it.

Rumor? No, because he will not admit that what the media captures, it doesn’t matter what others say.

And... last night, he didn't touch Lin Mengmeng at all, is it embarrassing?

This may be shocking for others to know, is Xie Dongyang not a man?

After all, in the big night, Lin Mengmeng's jade body also made people dangle. Xie Dongyang is indeed not a fairy, but a normal man.

Something happened at home a while ago, so I naturally have no mood to think about it.

But now those terrible things have come to an end, he naturally has the desire of normal men.

So it was like this at the beginning of last night. Lin Mengmeng was fragrant, waiting for him in bed.

Xie Dongyang really wants to sleep with her, anyway, everyone is the same.

But the point is, he didn't get a mouthful in the end. I didn't know that the smell of perfume on Lin Mengmeng made Xie Dongyang tired.

When I looked at Lin Mengmeng from a close distance, I realized that she still has Asheng's lost temperament?

From a distance, there is still a little bit between the eyebrows.

It's really too close, but it's not like it anymore. Since it's not like it, where else can you have an appetite?

So, in the end, Xie Dongyang said to Lin Mengmeng, "Then cooperate, you can take the opportunity to speculate, and I also need you to help me make shields, but... just a cooperative relationship, even close contact, even I'm afraid of taking responsibility, I can't marry you if I touch you, then I won't touch it."

After hearing Xie Dongyang say this, Lin Mengmeng was particularly shocked and was also hit hard.

How many men outside want to sleep with her, but she has been holding it, holding it, and pretending to be tall.

Thinking that Xie Dongyang is a guest under his skirt tonight, but... he said those words just now, isn't that the face of Chiguo Guo?

Lin Mengmeng gently grasped the sheets, a little unwilling.

Her voice was soft, "Mr. Xie, I don't need you to marry me, the boy and the girl love it, I see it very open... How can I live up to the good spring after this long night?"

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