Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1520: : Blame

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

So Feng Xi has been waiting for the opportunity. Now is the right time to start, but after doing this, I really can't look back.

If Asheng is angry with himself and breaks up with him, then...

The wind is entangled again, and it is also the last moment.

But if you think about it carefully, even if A Sheng is angry and doesn't take care of herself, she has Beihan Bingyu's body. After that, she can have children and meet her greatest wish.

Compared with A Sheng's greatest wish, what does this count?

In this way, with the wind and heart, when he changed Huasheng's body directly, the cotton he had prepared was replaced with Beihanbingyu in an instant.

When Hua Sheng felt a little cold behind his neck, it was too late.

She just felt as if something cold had entered her body.

Hua Sheng turned back violently, squeezing Feng Xi's hand, "What are you doing?"

Feng Xi looked miserable and looked at Hua Sheng for a long time without saying a word, but she puffed up and knelt in front of Hua Sheng.

"The wind, you..."

"A Sheng, I'm ready for thorns, and now I'll wind up and blame you."

Hua Sheng's heart was cold and he held his hands tightly. After watching the wind for a while, he sighed slightly, "You used Beihan Bingyu for me?"


"Mingyan is for you?"


"Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Hua Sheng's face was not **** at this moment. She wanted to tremble with ice all over her body.

"Because Lord Pluto said it, I told you in advance, you must refuse, it would be better than me..."

"Why don't you just replace me with Li Daitao stiffly?"


"Wind, I trust you so much..."

"I know, so only I can strike you, change someone else, and have no chance to get close to you."

"But why are you doing this?"

"Round your biggest wish, let you have children with Jiangliu, you can be a mother in your lifetime." Feng Xi also answered simply, but Huasheng's heart almost jumped out.

Hua Sheng raised his hand and pointed at the wind tremblingly, "You are really mad at me, wind and wind, do you know, I can't owe such a big favor to Lord Pluto, you know this North Ice Jade, where did he come from?"

"I don't know, the identity of Lord Pluto is a little good and normal."

This thing is really not strange wind, Pluto did not tell her ins and outs.

"This thing is now only in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor gave it to the eighth prince. The eighth prince came to me a while ago and wanted to exchange terms with me. I did not agree. I want Beihanbingyu , I also want to give birth to Jiangliu, but I can’t do without the bottom line of being a human being. In this world, not everything is worth exchanging. Later, the eighth prince went to Ming Yan, and I didn’t know what conditions were discussed. Beihan Bingyu, but I refused... I can't let Ming Yan pay for me, I can't pay it yet. But you..."

"A Sheng, I know you must be sad, you can scold me or blame me. I am a mere mortal, there is no right and wrong in my heart, no sense of justice, I just hope my friends can be good, you do not know how many times , I see you, holding the children of Hualin's family, that gentle look... I know you longed to be a mother from the bottom of your heart, you love rivers so much, how can you not be willing to leave blood to him? A Sheng you don’t want to Commit to the relationship, let me bear it, I will return the relationship with Lord Pluto. As for me, if you don’t forgive me, I also recognize... I don’t want to say that I am for your own good, but I did it.”

The wind and the knees are on the plate, and when they say these words, they also burst into tears.

She hopes that her friend can be happy, and A Sheng is so kind, why can't she be happy? Why can't you have your own child?

At this time, Qin Wanyu stumbled into the door and was shocked to see this scene.

"Come on, why are you kneeling Asheng?"

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