Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1522: : A little bit afraid

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Wind, you are crazy, do you want to murder your husband?"

"No, I just want to give you a slap in the wall, you can't pull it off." Feng Xi said fiercely.

"Then I'll ask you, don't you say, I am sure he will have a big brain."

"Open your uncle." The wind flew again with a pillow.

"Then did you seduce the river? Did you really do it?" Qin Wanyu asked unwillingly while holding the pillow.

Windy, this time I don't lose anything. I just came over in two steps and grabbed Qin Wanyu's ear directly.

And Qin Wanyu is even more terrible. In order to avoid his ears being scratched, he directly touched it.

"I rely on it, Qin Wanyu, did you actually wipe the oil?"

"Then there is no way. Who told you to take advantage of me?"

"I...what the **** are you, bastard."

In the end, the wind is in a bad mood. I was scared to do this, but now Qin Wanyu is running out of trouble.

Her eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

Qin Wanyu is not stupid, nor does he seem to be noisy, and immediately gives the wind a hug in his arms.

"Come on, don't cry, I won't tease you anymore."

"Bastard, even you bully me."

Feng Xi hammered two punches at Qin Wanyu's shoulder, Qin Wanyu was also a tough guy, and didn't hide.

Just patiently coaxing the wind, "Okay, don't cry anymore, good boy, how grown-up you are. Besides, my woman is the heir of the wind family, the first family, how could it be so fragile, you What do you think of the goblins who were beaten back to you, what do you think of the ghosts who were subdued? What do you think of those who are not as good as your colleagues?"

Qin Wanyu forced a nagging meal and laughed at the wind.

"Qin Wanyu, you don't have the overbearing president Fan Er at all now, your personal settings have completely collapsed, you look at the stream of people? When are all cold people."

"I am not an overbearing president myself, I am enough to be your man."

In a word, Feng Xi's heart has changed. In the end, it's the old fritters, and the tongue is slippery.

Qin Wanyu hugged the wind and touched her hair, sniffing the natural fragrance of her body greedily.

"Come on, you and Asheng, you don't tell, I don't ask, I know, your secret."

"Actually, it's not a secret. Aston's cotton body is made by me, everyone knows it."

"Then? What's wrong?"

Feng Xi wiped his eyes and sat down with Qin Wanyu on the beige sofa behind him.

The wind slowly talked about this matter and learned it for Qin Wanyu.

Qin Wanyu listened, but remained silent for a long time.

"Is this too sudden for me?" Feng Xi asked tentatively.

"Yeah, you are really brave enough that Pluto dare not do it. You have done it. The character of Ashen would rather have no children than owe human affection. I think that Jiang Liu certainly thinks so, but you It’s good, let’s go straight and play first.”

"Yeah, A Sheng must be mad, but I don't regret it."

"Ah, it's really a harem." Qin Wanyu knew that when the wind was stubborn, it looked like a cow.

She only knew one death, and she didn’t listen to anyone’s words. She knew that by doing so, Huasheng and Jiangliu would have a great psychological burden. She still felt that she did nothing wrong. This paranoid temper was also drunk.

"Then I ask you, if Pluto is restricted by the eighth prince in the future because of this matter, or even... something will happen in the future, you say, what will happen to A Sheng?" Qin Wanyu is rational and patiently analyzes these pros and cons to the wind .

The wind sighed slightly, daring not to speak.

"You at least ask Hua Sheng what you mean, you are deciding, you are too decisive..."

"Fart, I asked, there was no chance." The wind was a little excited.

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