Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1526: : There are hidden dangers

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"what did you say?"

"It can't be changed. Once this thing is in the body, it becomes one. It has become one with Ashen."

Jiang Liu was silent for a long time, and his face was black and scary.

Qin Wanyu even feared that the river would rise up at any time and directly pinched his neck to the wind.

So I hurried to the wind and guarded her, fearing the river would run away.

However, Jiang Liu didn't do that. He wasn't such an irrational person. The windy approach, although annoying, didn't reach the point where he was going to run wild.

After a long time, Jiang Liu lowered his head and gently stroked the sleeping Hua Sheng.

"A Sheng, don't be afraid, I will bear all the debts owed, and I will pay all the promises."

"Jiang Liu, what's wrong with A Sheng? Is she... asleep?"

Feng Xi noticed that white frost had always coagulated on Huasheng's eyelashes.

The river didn’t take care of the wind, but Xiaohei said, "A Sheng should be in a coma. After you put it on Beihan Bingyu, she feels unwell, so she reacts very well, she is very afraid of cold, has been Shivering, the river always hugged her, but it still seems to be ineffective. Beihan Bingyu is a **** from the world to the cold, not everyone can bear it, even the fairy, will also take a certain risk, you take this risk It is indeed inappropriate to act."

"Lying trough, the black cat can talk?"

Xiaohei spoke like this, still so awe-inspiring, terrified Qin Wanyu.

The wind is not strange, after all, I knew that Xiaohei was not ordinary.

"Xiaohei, what... what shall I do now, have I hurt Asheng?"

The wind is scared, she doesn’t even control things like Beihan Bingyu, but she thinks it is a good thing for A Sheng, but it’s hard to come by, and she also believes that Pluto is not Will harm Hua Sheng, so I dare to do so.

In fact, Pluto certainly won't harm Hua Sheng. How many times has he abandoned his principles for Hua Sheng?

But for now, Huasheng is indeed in a bad situation. The wind came to the front, reaching out to touch Huasheng's forehead and try the temperature.

However, Jiangliu was still angry with her. She shook her hand away and hugged Huasheng away a bit, but didn't let the wind hit her.

Feng Xi withdrew his hand embarrassingly, "Jiangliu, it's my fault. I don't have any complaints about how you deal with me."

"Now saying this, what's the use. You have always been impulsive to do things." Jiang Liu said with a cold face.

"Jiang Liu, why are you? At this time, it's useless to blame the wind, she is also good for Huasheng." Qin Wanyu is still short.

"I don't need you to treat us well, as long as you don't cause trouble to us, thank God."

"What are you saying, you are in a bad mood, I can understand it, but you..."

"Go, now, I really don't want to see you."

The river flow is indeed very angry, so even though Qin Wanyu, who has been a buddy for many years, still did not give face, he even made a guest order.

"Okay, let's go, you don't have to be angry, things start because of me, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

Before leaving, Feng Xi glanced at the little black, "You come with me."

Xiaohei is also obedient, and even after the wind buttocks, she walked out of the spring wind.

This winter seems to be exceptionally long, at the end of March, with snow still floating.

Ten miles away from the spring breeze, a vast landscape of snow, the sky is still so cold.

The wind tightened the cashmere coat, and his face was extremely ugly. "Little black, should I go to Pluto now, or white dye to see A Sheng's situation?"

Xiao Hei was silent for three seconds, and replied, "Why don't you try to find Feng Qingcheng? She has lived for a long time and is well-informed."

The wind is startled again, eh? Why didn't she think of it just now? Yes, Feng Qingcheng's ancestors are also very powerful characters.

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