Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1528: : Who is the enemy

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Mother is right, Huasheng has North Hanbingyu, which is naturally even more powerful."

"Then you..." Tianhou didn't quite understand her son's approach. In fact, Tian Yao was very clever. Over the years, people from other factions have secretly started secretly many times.

But he was able to turn danger into danger at a young age. The old maidservants around him always persuaded her to say, "Maid, the eighth prince is a son-in-law. He is the only son-in-law of the heavenly emperor. He is also the crown prince, heir. Inherit the great cause. You can't do anything in your early days. If Heaven Emperor knows it, it seems that your Eighth Highness is incompetent.

This is true, so gradually, it is not that he does not intervene in his son's affairs. It is not that he does not love him, but just wants him to have more opportunities to perform.

Beihan Bingyu, one of the few diluted treasures among the Three Realms and Six Dao, has made many people covet.

Emperor Tian gave it to the eighth prince, which was naturally the glory of the eighth prince, and used to make other brothers red-eyed.

After all, what is such an expensive thing for him?

Explain that the eighth prince is still very important in the mind of the emperor.

The eighth prince held this treasure for many years and had nothing to do. Now he suddenly gave it to Hades.

Or it was given to Huasheng by the hand of Pluto. The practice and original intention of this matter are indeed very fascinating and very understandable.

When Tianhou got the news, he immediately asked his son to ask him clearly, fearing that he would make a wrong move.

"Mother is a little restless, don't you know me? Where can I do something that harms my own interests. Bei Hanbingyu gave Huasheng, which really helped her spiritual power. But there is a saying, you are wrong ."

"Which sentence?" Tianhou puzzled.

"Huasheng's enemy is not us, and our enemy is not Huasheng."

"What does this mean?" Tianhou didn't understand too much, how could she say that Huasheng was not their enemy?

Heavenly Court is in charge of all beings in the Three Realms. Heavenly Emperor is the Lord of Heavenly Court. He has always held the power to kill and kill. Now, there is a person with a distinguished identity and powerful spirit.

If the woman rebelled, wouldn’t it be a disaster for the world?

In terms of strength, who dares to pat the chest and brag, saying that he can withstand Jiutian Xuanhuo?

In terms of identity, the Jiutian clan is a direct line of the Jiutian mystic girl. In front of the Jiutian maiden, what is Emperor Tianhou? What is the Yun fire group?

Therefore, these power leaders naturally feel that Huasheng is threatening them, and they will always guard against her.

Tian Yao opened the white feather fan in her hand and smiled, "I've seen the woman from Huasheng. She is powerful, but she doesn't have the heart to fight for power. She just wants to enjoy the white head with her husband, and she won't even leave the world. Why? Will it come to the sky again? And that woman has too much concern in her heart, and her heart is also good. It is not the kind of demon who can cause chaos in the world and kill the ring. She is not a threat to us, saying that threatening me instead feels that I Those brothers and aunts are, what do you say about the mother?"


The mother hesitated, and what the son said made no sense.

"Hua Sheng's enemies are the moon-cutting, the devil world, and even the mysterious witch masters, not us. Let's see that they are fighting for fishermen's gains, isn't it better?"

"But your father and emperor have always been afraid of that woman. Now you send Bei Hanbingyu to that woman. I'm afraid that your father and emperor... won't you be happy?"

In fact, Tianhou was more worried about the attitude of the Emperor. After all, the prince’s selection is undecided.

The eighth prince was not the emperor's favorite son, so this move was afraid to offend the emperor and cause Long Yan to be furious.

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