Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1530: : There are rumors

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Wanpin held a cup of fetal chrysanthemum tea and placed it carefully in front of Heavenly Emperor.

He looked at the Emperor's complexion very well and looked at nothing. He said, "I heard that the eighth prince gave his favorite Northern Han Bingyu to the mortal girl, but how did the concubine hear about the mortal?" The woman is a person of unknown origin, and uses some demon fire. This person is so dangerous? It is already the object of our Heavenly Palace. Why did the eighth prince do this? Could it be said... What other ideas did the eighth prince have, Want to help yourself?"

Heavenly Emperor listened, and remained silent for a long time.

Wanpin was also nervous, and quickly said another sentence, "The concubine is just a girl's family. Naturally they don't understand these, and they just hear people talk about it, so I think this matter is important, and I want to talk to Jun Shang."

"I already know what Tian Yao does."

"Oh? Was that the king asked the eighth prince to do this?" Wan Peng's remark was obviously intentional.

"Not really."

"Then...this approach..."



"Don't be arrogant about Tianyao."

After listening to this, Wan Pian immediately scared her face pale and hurriedly bowed down to salute. Meaning. After all, the eighth prince was born of the elder sister of Tianhou. How dare the concubine condemn the eighth prince?"

"You don't have to be nervous, I just chat with you, get up."

Heaven Emperor did not get angry, but, in attitude, it should not be violated.

Emperor Tian did not dislike the eight princes, but preferred several other princes.

Especially the young Nine Prince, the stunning son of the mermaid.

Moreover, Heavenly Emperor is still in his prime and heir... has not yet begun completely.

Perhaps Tiangong was calm for too long, so Tianyao's practice caused a lot of waves.

Within a few days, Jiuzhong began to have gossip around in the sky, presumably, the eighth prince pulled his own power.

The idea hit the mortal woman, and it was through the hand of Pluto, so obvious to draw, is this going to take the crown?

Heaven Emperor has always been taboo about this kind of thing, so after the rumors spread, Long Yan will be very angry.

However, when Heavenly Emperor heard these words, it was only calm.

"What did the rumor say?" Heavenly Emperor asked the attendants around him.

The old attendant hurriedly leaned back and said, "The old slave dare not say."

"That's it, I won't blame you."

"Those words... must not be good to hear. They are too good for the queen mother and the eighth prince, and they even involve Yun Wu and the Yun clan."

"What is Guan Xiaowu, what is the Guan Yun clan?"

"Everyone said that the Yun clan wanted the eighth prince to be the prince, so they should help the eighth prince to do their best, and the maiden Yunwu seemed to be dissatisfied with the family's practice. After all, the maiden Yunwu also had two princes. So I heard that the Yun clan Infighting has begun. Half supports the queen mother and eighth prince, and half supports the maiden Yunwu and the second prince."

"Where did these words come from?"

"There are all palaces, and it seems that several other ladies know it."

"What happened there after that day?"

"Nothing happened. The Queen Mother just summoned Her Highness the Eighth Prince and chatted that day, and nothing happened."

Heavenly Emperor nodded, "Go find Mingyan and Bairan."

"Yes, emperor."

It didn't take long for Pluto and Bairan to appear in the Temple of Heaven Emperor, Pluto was as respectful as before.

Bairan seemed very dissatisfied that the last time the Heavenly Emperor did not send troops, he directly asked face-to-face, "Is Heavenly Emperor going to apologize to me? My tribe has suffered numerous deaths and injuries, and has been injured by the Demon Clan. As the Lord of the Three Realms, Heavenly Emperor not only does not care, but also does not send When the reinforcements come, what is the intention?"

This kind of great disrespect, only the old fox dare to say that after all, there are qualifications and strength after all.

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