Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1548: : Devouring the Demon Rock

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When the nine-headed bird spoke, everyone dared not speak.

He said don't act rashly, that is to mean not to let you mess up, the three dragons are still angry and smoking.

"Brother Jiu, then we don't care about your Highness?"

"What are you in a hurry, you can't listen to Brother Jiu's words?" The four-legged beast glared fiercely at the three lizards.

As a huge monster, he became a monster and was demonized.

In fact, the four-legged beast takes care of the three giant lizards, but he is too reckless in character, and always loses the chain at the critical moment, which is quite a headache.

Nine-headed bird glanced at several brothers and continued, "The Northern Hanbing Jade was given to Huasheng by the Eighth Prince of Heaven Realm through the hand of Hades. Where did the Eighth Prince's things come from? As far as I know, it was given by the Heavenly Emperor The Tian family is not a fool. It is definitely a mess in one or two visits. The emperor can’t tolerate the Jiutian family, which is true. But he is not sure to deal with us, so he wants to use Huasheng to contain us. This is also a good move. "

"Don't he overturn the car? If the woman had a killing day, he would stand up to heaven?" The skeleton asked.

Heaven Realm does things differently from Demon Realm. Although Demon Realm is aggressive, after all, the means are straightforward, not so insidious and mean, and never like to do things in secret.

But Heaven Realm is different. They are because of the identity of the Lord of the Three Realms. Many things cannot be done in public.

As the saying goes, hypocrites are more terrible than real villains. This is the reason.

Nine-headed bird is very correct, the Emperor Tian means this, so acquiesced in the matter that the eighth prince gave Mingyan Beihanbingyu.

As for the previous, the eighth prince went to Huasheng and said about exchange, but it was just a guise.

He did not expect to be able to hold the North Hanbing Jade, so he let Hua Sheng explain the whereabouts of the moon.

He is just like a knocking brick, let Hua Sheng know that there is a magical use of the North Hanbingyu jade treasure.

The result was also very satisfying to him. The eight princes pulled together with the minister of power and had the help of Ming Yan.

What's more, Huasheng and Beihanbingyu merged smoothly, and with a new body, all situations have become more confusing.

As for the three lizards, why not destroy Huasheng and Beihanbingyu when they merge?

The answer is self-evident. At the fusion site, there is a great **** such as Feng Qingcheng sitting on the clinic.

Although Feng Xi is a female doll, it is a mortal body, but how many cattle are there in Feng Family's ancestors?

Otherwise, how could Feng Qingcheng be a god?

Coupled with white dye, Ming Yan, and at a critical moment, Heaven Realm will not sit idly by, and Huasheng's accident will not benefit them. After all, Huasheng needs to contain the Demon Realm.

So it's not good. Not only will their mission not be successful this time, they may also be wiped out by the whole army.

His Highness is no longer, who dares to pick things up, who dares to cause a war between gods and demons?

"Nine adults, urgent report."

A little gust of wind came in and flew in, kneeling on one knee.


"My Devil's Lava Plate cracked a crack again and sucked in the eleven guards. Now I see that the gap is getting bigger... what can I do?"

After this sentence, nine people were dumbfounded.

"Where, let me see."

Nine-headed bird was also anxious, spreading a pair of huge black wings directly, and flew out of the demon palace.

The eight guardians behind him all followed, and the Devil Realm was forbidden, and no one could come in easily.

Nine-headed bird did not dare to take a step when the moon was cut, and now he has to come and see.

When the crowd arrived, I saw a black gap under the fiery red lava, visually inspecting a width of more than one meter, looking down, it was not bottomed out, as if something in **** was staring at you. Your creepy fear.

"Brother Jiu, this is awful. If your second highness never comes back, that section..." The old lady hadn't finished speaking, and she saw an ice blue light fall in the air, and then the nine people saluted on their knees , "Welcome Your Highness Three."

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