Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1569: : Woman sorrow

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Yu Ping was silent...

Hua Sheng didn't know what to say, he could only pull out a tissue and hand it over.

"A Sheng, to be honest, I don't know what to do now?"

"I know."

"I can't accept a man who says that he loves me to do such a thing. This is really the biggest insult to me. But when I think of the baby in my stomach, I can't divorce me ruthlessly. I don't want my child to be born You don’t have a dad, do you know? A child lacking a father’s love is insecure. That cannot be replaced by money."

"I understand that you think things are always thoughtful, so I can particularly understand your current mood, it is nothing but a dilemma."

"Yes, it's a dilemma. I even regretted why I went to see his cell phone. If I didn't see anything, I pretended not to know anything, and the days would go on. It's also good, but I know this is myself Lie to yourself."

Yu Ping said his eyes were red again.

Hua Sheng felt distressed and thought for a while before saying, "Otherwise, let me divination and see how much fate you have? If fate is over you will be difficult to be together... If fate is not over, you want to divorce It's hard, what do you say?"

Although Pluto warned Huasheng to be an ordinary person on the third, all spiritual power was hidden.

She can't even use divination, but now she doesn't care much about helping Yu Ping now.

Hua Sheng is not as good as Hua Zhi, nor as wild as the wind, a mess of ghost ideas.

For her, everything that is still inconclusive can be fortunetelling.

Yu Ping's eyes lit up when she heard it. She thought it was an idea, but she turned around and gave up.

She reached out and held Huasheng's wrist, "No, Asheng, don't help me with divination. You are right. Some of us have our own destiny and disaster. We can't rely on you for divination. In fact, I am not willing to do it myself. You spy on too many celestial machines, and the celestial machines leak too much. It is always to cause trouble, and you are responsible for all these troubles. I don’t want that."

"It's okay, we are friends." Hua Sheng smiled gently.

"Because you are a friend, you can't even bother you. You have worked so hard in recent years, and you have a peaceful life with Jiangliu. How can I bear the heart to break?"

"Xiaoping, actually..."

"Don’t say it, I understand it, A Sheng, if you can listen to me and complain, I feel much better. I want to come. I have a lot of cheerful personality and some friends in recent years. But something bad and difficult happened I am only willing to treat your uncle. I know that you are my best friend in this world and my best friend. My parents and relatives are not as good as you."

"It's good to say, what are you doing, you are pregnant, and take care of your body."

"You can rest assured that I am not a child anymore. After experiencing the fatal blow of falling in love with Yuan Shao back then, I was a bit bearish. Jing Sai, although I love, was not as self-conscious and obsessive as he was when he was young , Not to be short-sighted..."

Speaking of which, Yu Ping lowered her head and touched the slightly raised belly. "The child is innocent. She ran to me. She didn't know anything. I won't let her hurt. I will give birth to the child. , Whether or not Jingsa and I can continue?"

"You think so, it's good, just... embarrassing you."

Hua Sheng distressed Yu Ping in the end, she didn't have a reliable person around her, so she always had to carry it when she encountered something.

"Otherwise, I will let Ginkgo take care of you for a few days. You and Jing Sa will be separated for a while and calm down each other?" Hua Sheng asked Yu Ping what he meant.

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