Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1572: : Bewitching

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"What's wrong? Are you upset?"

Xie Dongyang deliberately asked to pretend that he didn't know anything.

"No, how can I be unhappy? Just... you know that after I gave birth, I was very picky about the diet, and I couldn't eat anything for the time being. I will let them both suffer with me at that time. I can't bear to wait for my health to get better. Yeah, I’ll be the host and invite them to dinner, what do you say?"

Xie Dongyao was very clever and pushed this meal without any trace.

"Well, okay, then what you say."

"Second brother, you are my last mother and I rely on, I hope you can take good care of our Xie family."

"That's nature."

"That still hopes that you will start a family as soon as possible."

"It's a little difficult to get married, but I have recently considered IVF."


Xie Dongyang said, Xie Dongyang was shocked.

"I don’t want to get married, but I want to leave our family with Xie, so I think about it and decide to try IVF. The child is also our Xie family, and I don’t need a woman I don’t like to shake in front of my eyes. Shake it."


"Mum will be happy like this, better than nothing, isn't it?"

"Also, why do you suddenly have this idea?"

"Not all my friends, I have been chatting with me all day, and I am also tempted... but this matter has to be considered for a long time. Yaoyao, do you have any friends who know, or know people, can help me introduce."

"I really do. I'll contact you later."

"Okay, let's do this today. I will go out to meet a customer later."

"Okay, don't worry, I will stay at home and I will take good care of my mother."

"You stay at home like this, your husband has no opinion?" Xie Dongyang deliberately quipped.

"No, he did not dare to have an opinion.

After talking, the brothers and sisters smiled at each other, then Xie Dongyang left, and Xie Dongyao returned to his old house.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, Feng Yu came back from work overtime and took off his coat in the room to kiss his daughter.

"sister in law."

Xie Dongyao didn't know when to stand quietly at the door, telling the truth and scared Feng Yu.

Especially through the dim light, when I look at it, I always feel that this sister's face is a little strange and scary.

"Yaoyao, you haven't slept so late?"

"Um, did you sleep, come out and talk?"

"it is good."

Feng Yu changed his daughter's life, dragged his tired body and followed Xie Dongyao to the study sofa and sat down.

"Sister-in-law, my second brother is back today."

"Well, I heard from my mother and asked me if I would come back for dinner, but the company has been too busy lately, and I have too many avatars."

In fact, busy is not so busy, but Feng Yu feels that seeing Xie Dongyang will be a little embarrassing and a little subtle, so he consciously avoided it.

Xie Dongyao also knew these thoughts.

She smiled and poured Feng Yu a glass of boiled water. While pouring the water, she pretended to say unintentionally, "My second brother is in a good mood today, and I talked about a lot of things. Outside of words, I always feel that he Very concerned about sister-in-law."

Feng Yu's expression was a little shocked, she stared at Xie Dongyao.

"Ah, of course, it's not that kind of concern, but I think the eldest brother is not here, so you must take good care of you and Ningning."

"Yeah, Dongyang has always been very good to our mother and daughter. No one knows this better than me."

"But I am afraid that you also have other thoughts about your sister-in-law... The second brother said that he has a selfish idea and does not want his sister-in-law to leave Xie's house and never leave."

When Xie Dongyao said these words, he deliberately raised his head and stared at Feng Yu's face to observe her reaction.

There was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

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