Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1586: : A family reunion

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Is this important?"

"I'm not just asking."

"Are you afraid of Asheng? I'm afraid that Asheng will anger you because of my affairs, and then Jiang Liuli's finger will make you unable to mix in this city. Your small company will go bankrupt and go bankrupt every minute, right?"

"I know you won't do that." Jing Sa raised his head, there were tears in his eyes, no matter whether it was true or false, it was indeed a red eye.

"Of course I wouldn't do that. A husband and wife. I won't... I've never been such a person who doesn't give people a way to live."

This kind of thing, Yu Ping wants to do, can do. Hua Sheng will certainly help, and Jiang Liu will certainly help.

However, Yu Ping is a kind person, she is not so cruel, so she will not do such a thing.

"A Sheng already knows."

After hearing this sentence, Jing Sa turned pale again.

"Then... did she let you divorce me?" Jing Sa thought, Yu Ping's honest nature would not make such a decisive decision, there should be backing support behind it, Huasheng is a big consortium, rich Having the right to connect with people and trample on small people like him is as simple as strangling ants.

"No, A Sheng said nothing. She is a kind person and has great wisdom... And of course the private affairs between us are handled by myself."

"Okay, Xiaoping, if you're angry recently and don't want to see me, I moved out and lived for a while. Don't're still pregnant. We'll talk about divorce after you calm down. good or not?"

Jing Sa obviously made this a delay strategy. After all, Yu Ping could not be convinced, at least not today.

Yu Ping nodded, "Yes, you can not sign first, I won't force you, but... I won't live in this house, I will move out first, and people will come to accept the salute in the past few days."

"Xiaoping, can you not leave?"


Yu Ping calmly pushed away Jing Sa and entered the room with an indifferent face.

She was a little uncomfortable, leaning on the bedside and taking out her mobile phone, sending a WeChat to Huasheng.

Yu Ping: Ashen, I made a decision. Although it is very difficult, I know that this is true. The road ahead is always good. It is spring in the past.

Hua Sheng also responded quickly, with only one poem, "Shan Zhongshui has no way to doubt, Liu Anhuaming has another village."

After knowing Yu Ping for several years, there was a tacit understanding between them, so she understood Yu Ping's thoughts.

At this moment, Huasheng was having a dinner at the old Chinese house. This time the dinner was held by Huaqing Zhangluo. Yes, it was Huaqing.

After she came back, her life was normal, and she took a child.

Hua Feng asked her if she would go back to work, and she did not give a positive answer.

But for the sisters, it is indeed much better than before, the smile is more than before, and the personality seems to have changed a lot.

Unfortunately, Huasheng still didn't believe her and never believed.

Hua Qing pushed her mother to walk in from the outside. "Mom is in good shape today. I heard that I am going home. I am happy like a child."

Seeing Mrs. Hua, several sisters' eyes were red.

Although I usually go to visit, but in the end it is different, this is their home, once the home of all of them.

For Huasheng, it's better. After all, she grew up with her grandmother and stayed in China for a short time.

But the remaining four are all grown up here. The plants and trees of this old house are all memorable.

Hua Zhi secretly wiped tears, perhaps because of pregnancy, she is now easily emotional.

Wang Junxian did not come. Today is a gathering of women, to be precise, a gathering of the Chinese family.

Ginkgo followed, seeing Hua Zhi crying, and hurried over to help wipe her tears, "Miss three, what are you doing, old lady came home to eat with you, this is a good thing, what are you crying, don't cry, you cry , My young lady should cry too."

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