Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1589: : A female general

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Mrs. Hua remained silent for a while before realizing, "God, this is the Jiang family, that is the Jiang family."

"Yes, it is the head of our four big families, the Jiang family who is rich in the enemy."

"Did you hear that the kid boy had a girlfriend?"

Mrs. Hua’s girlfriend in the river should be Zhuoya, that’s the one rumored in college.

In fact, among these facts, only Hua Sheng and Feng Xi knew what the Jiang Liu had talked about, but they were just entangled.

"No, that girlfriend looks ugly, Jiang Liu saw my five sisters, fell in love at first sight, and then dumped her college girlfriend and talked to us as Sheng." Hua Zhi said this is a joke, but also for an active atmosphere .

The angry Hua Sheng pushed her, and then said angrily, "Mom, my third sister is pregnant."

"Ah? Xiaozhi is pregnant?" Mrs. Hua was shocked by the news.

"Yes, the child is Wang Junxian, that's the Wang know?" Hua Sheng would rarely complain.

Both Huafeng and Hualin could not laugh, and Gingko was whispering next to him, "Our lady will finally complain and will fight back, and she will no longer be passively bullied by Miss San, hahaha, no, I will record it secretly, give Uncle, look."

So, Ginkgo really took out his mobile phone, secretly recorded video to Huasheng, and secretly passed it to Jiang Liu.

So far, it became one of Huasheng's only few black histories.

"Okay, let's go over to the dining table and talk while eating, don't worry."

Hua Qing smiled and Zhang Luo led everyone to the table. Hua Sheng deliberately asked when she passed by her, "Second sister, what about your son?"

"Ah, he went to school."

"When will we meet?"

"No worries... there are many opportunities."

Hua Qing smiled flawlessly, but apparently did not want to continue talking with Hua Sheng, and turned to Hua Feng.

Such small details didn't escape Hua Zhi's eyes. She took advantage of everyone's inattention and whispered to Hua Sheng, "Is there any flaws in her?"

"Not yet, but I believe it will not be long." Hua Sheng is very confident.

That is, this Huaqing, she will show flaws, she does not believe that Huaqing really got better, and really came back to reunite with their sisters.

But such a scene, she did not have the heart to destroy, after all, it is rare to make her mother happy once.

The whole family started eating around the table, which was full of food that Mrs. Hua loved.

The Hua family used to be a really big family, but now there is only one female general left.

The departure of Hua Zhenyue left the family at heart, but fortunately, there was not much change in money. That is also thanks to the Jiang family and the Wang family.

Huasheng and Huazhi both have money and have their own small vaults, but they are not suitable for taking out.

After all, the group still gave Huafeng control, not because she believed her more, but because no one was available.

Other people's words are not as close as Hua Feng after all, but you have to say that it is impossible to take out all your money.

The money of the Wang family and the Jiang family is not given in vain, but it is a free loan, which will be returned sooner or later.

"Second Sister, you might as well be here with your mother these few days. You can also pick up the children."

During the banquet, Hua Lin suggested that she really didn't think much, and felt that it was more lively to live together.

Hua Qing immediately vetoed, "I won't do it anymore. I came here during the day and had to go back at night. The child just came back here and was not well adapted to the climate. I'm afraid it will affect my mother's rest. After all, my mother is in poor health."

"Second sister, have you seen your second brother-in-law?" Hua Zhi asked this, she always gossip.

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