Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1591: : Unforgettable old feelings

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

No matter how Hua Zhi vomited, Wang Junxian didn't listen, so he walked in and sat down beside her.

"Hah." Hua Sheng rarely laughs so joyfully.

"Without your pleasure, you will see the river coming soon." Hua Zhi was full of confidence.

"The river is not used, let me go back." Hua Sheng got up.

"Are you going? Didn't you just say stay here for one night?" Hua Zhi was so disappointed that Hua Zhi was leaving.

Hua Sheng smiled, "It was originally planned to be like this, but your husband is here. Let him be here with you tonight, lest your big-bellied wife not be good at serving."

"Go, go and black me."

Hua Zhi raised her hand anxiously, and didn't continue to go down with Hua Sheng.

Huasheng took the ginkgo and returned to the spring breeze, but before the river came to pick it up, he went back.

After Hua Qing left the old house, he went to pick up the children from school, and then the two went to a shopping mall in the city center.

Hua Feng is not stingy, at least 50,000 cash.

Hua Qing intends to use the money to buy some new clothes for her children. She is not so tight in the economy now, but she is not as rich as before.

So some money, just take it.

"Mom, I want that toy car."

Huaqing's child pointed to the Transformers at the door of the toy store and said carefully.

"You have a lot."

"I don't have that."

This is the same for all children, because they are still young, so they don’t know that it’s not easy to make money. They just want to meet their own requirements and wishes.

"How much is this car?"

"This is 886." Miss shopping guide smiled.

Hua Qing's face changed, "A broken toy costs more than 800? Isn't it wrong?"

"We are a brand, not the kind of broken, good quality."

The shopping guide is nothing more than fooling customers with one mouth. Huaqing is not unable to take it out, but nowadays, it feels unnecessary to spend this money.

"Son, go, go home with mom, mom go back and buy you online, it's exactly the same, it's much cheaper than this."

Hua Qing took the child and turned to go.

"Mom, I want this."

The four- to five-year-old boy was extremely wronged and looked like he was crying with his mouth flat. He looked at the tall transformer at a glance.

The child just wanted it, and Hua Qing wasn’t able to afford it, so it felt unworthy, but right now, the child is crying...

She was a little suffocating and a little screaming, "What are you crying for, are you still a man? What am I like now? Your mother is not a rich woman, do you know how hard it is to make money? If you buy it back, you won’t be able to play it for a few days. Is it necessary?”

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'Her's child cried aloud after being reprimanded by her, which made Hua Qing even more upset.

Hua Qing pushed the child violently and sat on the ground.

A person who happened to pass by lifted up the child, and these little things looked like a relief.

"Thank you uncle."

"No need to thank you." The man touched the child's head with a spoiled look.

The child cried and thanked, but the voice of the man's mouth made Hua Qing sound too familiar.

The moment Hua Qing raised his head to see the man, he was dumbfounded. Where would he think of such a coincidence?

Actually it was Liu Yuzhou, really Liu Yuzhou. Oh my God, Jiangcheng was so big, I actually met, and it was at this moment when Huaqing was a little embarrassed.

"You... are you? Qingqing?" Liu Yuzhou caressed the glasses frame and thought he was wrong, but it was clearly...

In the end, it has been a couple for many years, so the words Qingqing are still used to them, and there is no change.

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