Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1594: : Keep staring

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Liu Yuzhou, when did I need you to ask me something, what do you count?"

Hua Qing was a little upset and asked, just like in the past, he scolded Liu Yuzhou for a meal.

Before Liu Yuzhou could speak, she picked up the unfinished child and left.

"Mom, I haven't finished it yet."

"Eat what you eat, you know what to eat. Are you a pig's head? I'm going to die. Why are my stalls full of incompetent men... How can the people of Huazhi Huasheng live so well, supported by the Jiang and Wang families, If I had one like that, I wouldn’t fall to where I am today."

These words are indeed true, and she held them in her heart for a long time.

She didn't envy the elder sister Hua Feng because she knew that Liu Dekai was not a good thing, but a hypocrite.

On the surface, respectful affection for the elder sister, in fact, is also a cat that steals food.

The fourth senior, Hua Lin, is not in the eyes of Hua Qing. Although the happiness of life is the case, Bai Hao is in the end working.

So there is no big deal, only Hua Zhi and Hua Sheng are her most envious.

Four big families, Jiang, Wang, Xie, Hua.

Their family is now at the bottom, but the three are still in the sky. It would be nice to find Xie Dongyang.

Thinking about these things, I was angry. Why did my parents find Liu Yuzhou for her, why didn't you marry her to Xie Dongze?

Ten miles of spring breeze

Gingko brought out a bowl of bird's nest and handed it to Huasheng.

Hua Sheng wore a lace-white beige nightdress and leaned back on the sofa to read a book. The title was "Ordinary World"

Actually, this book has been read by Hua Sheng, but because I like it, I picked it up and looked at it.

Her long, dark hair has been spread around her waist, her slender body, and her beautiful appearance. This is definitely a woman who will be shocked everywhere.

"Miss, you drink some bird's nest first, watching."


"Right, miss, will Li Jian come over in a while?"

"Well." Hua Sheng nodded.

"Let him just say no on the phone, why should he come home in person, wouldn't the kid be upset?"

The Li Jian said in Gingko's mouth is the person who Huasheng recently launched and is a private detective.

However, due to the recent economic crisis, his detective agency did not operate very well and was acquired by Huasheng. Yes, it was acquired.

Therefore, Li Jian's detective agency, fifteen or six people up and down, are all raised by Hua Sheng.

The kid just called and said that he would report the situation to Huasheng face to face.

However, in Ginkgo's view, the kid looked slick and unworthy of trust.

Jiang Liu hasn't returned from the company yet, so at this moment, only Hua Sheng and Ginkgo master and servant are talking in the living room.

What she didn't know was that in the underworld, someone saw this scene through a dust edge mirror.

"Peeping on people is not a gentleman."

The appearance of white dyed ha ha, Hades immediately waved his cuff, and the dust edge mirror was included in the cuff.

However, Bai Ran saw that he saw Hua Sheng's affairs, so he made a ridicule.

"The deity is never a gentleman." Pluto is also a ruthless person, and he will make excuses for himself.

"Haha, you old man, if you want to be someone else, you can go to see it generously, peep here, really **** counsel." Bai Ran teased.

Pluto raised his head and swept the Sao Fox, and then said, "Counsel? I'll counsel again, do you counsel? Didn't even give Feng Fengcheng to kneel to admit his mistakes, ask others to forgive me?"

White dye: ...

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