Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1596: : One of the mysteries

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Hua Sheng was not surprised, "Is the news accurate?"

"Precise, just afraid of playing grass and startling snakes, we don't know what she did at the cemetery? Did you say this Huaqing is crazy? In the middle of the night, after a woman waits for the child to fall asleep, she runs to the cemetery by herself. Isn't it sick? "

Li Jian is just an errand, and does not know much about the inside story, so he only thinks that Huasheng's surveillance of Huaqing may be due to conflicts within the Hua family.

What are the mischievous existence of these wealthy young ladies competing for their family?

"She's not sick, she's smart, keep staring."

"Okay, boss."

"If it's okay, go back first."

"Well, then I'm gone, by the way, the boss gives you this."

Before leaving, Li Jian took out an exquisite small bottle from the bag, and did not know what was in it.

Hua Sheng looked at it and didn't reach for it. "What is this?"

"Spring Amomum, Ha, is a specialty in our hometown, and it is also an uncommon Chinese medicine, which has a wonderful effect on the treatment of stomach problems. Haven’t you been pregnant recently? Since you are pregnant, your appetite must not be bad, so this is just for you To strengthen the spleen and stomach, eat more if you have a good appetite, and eat a lot if you eat more. Maybe you can have twins."

"Fart." Gingko gave Li Jian a disdainful look.

Just a small bottle of inexpensive Chinese medicine for health care is actually said by this man to heaven, and this is really an unshakable tongue.

Hua Sheng was amused, "Well, I thank you, Ginkgo, you put it away."

"Yes, miss."

Ginkgo yelled, but did as Hua Sheng asked.

After Li Jian slapped, he left without delay. Before leaving, he did not forget to glance at this luxuriously decorated villa—Shili Chunfeng.

"Miss, you don't always like to listen to people flattering. What's wrong now? Are you older and just love to listen to good words? Can't listen to a bad word? This is not good. You have to change it, you have to change it."

Ginkgo is the old man in front of Huasheng, so he is straightforward and dare to say anything.

After she said this, Hua Sheng smiled again.

"Miss, are you still laughing? Am I wrong? This Li Jian, what is it? He is a flatterer who wants to please you and cheat some money. Miss you spent tens of millions to buy their paparazzi, What's the use?"

"They are not paparazzi, they are private detectives." Hua Sheng corrected.

"Isn't that all the same?"

"Ah, it's okay to read more, don't be so indifferent."

"I don't care, I just don't look down on that guy, and I will give you gifts before leaving. How can such a person become a big deal?"

Hua Sheng couldn't help but finally couldn't help it. "Do you think he sent me that spring Amomum to please me? Do you think I will be pleased by a small bottle of Chinese herbal medicine?"

"Well, what's the secret?"

"So you, you like to look at the surface when you look at things. Well, let me tell you, he gave me the spring Amomum for my appetizer, saying that I knew I was pregnant, so I gave it, so I can keep my feet up. And appetite."

"Yes, so?" Ginkgo hadn't responded yet.

"Ginkgo, have you thought about it? My pregnancy is a very confidential matter. Only a few close people know that I have been told that I have been infertile for many years, and I can't have children. Why would Li Jian know?"

"This... yeah, I really didn't think about this." Ginkgo was reminded by Hua Sheng, and suddenly understood.

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