Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1599: : Regret for life

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"No need."

"Why not? I'm a regular Thai massage." Jiang Liu deliberately teased his wife.

Hua Sheng tilted his head and looked up and down the river very seriously. "I'm sorry, it doesn't need to be formal. If it's not formal, I might wish to come."

"Mrs. Jiang, you have learned badly."

Jiang Liu kissed Hua Sheng's nose intimately, his eyes overflowing with love.

"Everyone who says that Zhu Zhechi is close to Mo Zhehe, I think this is true."

"Yeah, is this suggesting that in my house, learn from me badly?"

"Not exactly, maybe it's Ginkgo, after all, she's still at home."

Jiang Liu smiled and hugged Huasheng from the sofa. It really was. She was so light, she weighed more than 90 pounds.

Jiangliu's height and weight are a breeze.

He held her up and turned around two times. At this moment, Ginkgo didn't know that he had become the back-boiler in the ridicule of others.

Of course, even if you know it, it won't be too bad. After all, this pot is used to it.

Dongyang Pharmaceutical

Xie Dongyang has rarely come here since taking over, but today, knowing that Hua Zhi was walking here, he also drove to take a look.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, but they are very close.

I also ate lunch at the company and ate in the company cafeteria.

Since Hua Zhi is a pregnant woman, Xie Dongyang went to the kitchen and told him that the ingredients should be absolutely fresh.

With President Xie talking, who dares not be new?

Therefore, when the two had eaten at the employee's restaurant, it was already half past one in the afternoon. At this time, the employees happened to be working.

In the huge restaurant, there are only a few of the chefs, Xie Dongyang and Hua Zhi.

Hua Zhi wore a blue-and-white maternity skirt and white flat shoes. She might be afraid of cold, and she took a little black cloak coat.

With a burgundy beret on it, dressing up like this can't hide the star's temperament.

Xie Dongyang was in a suit and leather shoes, and he was tired of looking.

He took off his blazer and inside was a dark gray business casual shirt.

Then he rolled up his sleeves at will, exposing his muscular arms.

"We haven't seen you in a long time?"

"Yeah, since the pregnancy, Wang Junxian’s guy protected me like a giant panda. Except for my family, which is a few sisters’ homes, I went to Shilichunfeng less than before, yes, you recently contacted my five sisters ?"

Speaking of ten miles of spring breeze, Huasheng came to mind.

"Contacted, A Sheng went to our Xie family's old house for dinner that day. No, to be exact, it was to accompany my mother to eat. My mother saw her and was very happy. For the long time, on the day that A Sheng came, I Mother ate a bowl of white rice."

Xie Dongyang said here, with a smile of relief.

"That is, my five younger sisters are all pets, who wouldn't like it?"

Then the next sentence, Hua Zhi **** come, "That's you stupid fork, the wedding was still running away."

"Okay, my big star, after the movie, you rarely come to the company once, don't run against me, success? Do you want to black me for this period?" Xie Dongyang shook his head, very helpless.

Missing Sheng, the wedding escape, is the pain he can't make up for in his life.

Recently, he sometimes reads some reborn novels in the middle of the night. I don’t know if I read too many novels or what. I always feel that if one day he wakes up and finds that he is married to Ashen, everything How good should it be again?

"Mr. Xie, the dishes are ready, can I serve them?" The waitress properly relieved the boss at this time. Xie Dongyang waved his hands, "Go up."

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