Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1601: : Psychological suggestion

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Why do you regret it?"


"Then why do you ask others?" Hua Zhi sneered.

"I can't ask, after all, I have known a scene, that is, I haven't seen her news recently, did I leave the circle?"

"Almost, Ai Chen had a boyfriend before. In fact, he couldn't say that he was a boyfriend. He should have been a husband. After all, he received a certificate, but there was no formal wedding, and the news media didn't know it, just..."

"Just what?" Xie Dongyang was curious.

"It's just that the girl's life is not so good. Her husband had an accident while playing paragliding abroad last month. It fell into the valley and the person was already hanging."

Xie Dongyang: ...

Xie Dongyang didn't know what to say for a while. Life and death really can't be understood by anyone. He lost his father and elder brother and knew the pain of losing his love.

Especially those who died of accidents, if they really die, they have nothing to say, after all, they are psychologically prepared and most afraid of such sudden.

"Is it miserable?" Hua Zhi took the glass and drank warm water.

Xie Dongyang nodded, "Yeah, life is really impermanent, she is not easy, how is she now?"

"The state of the whole person is not very good, but it is much better than the first few days. Ai Chen is also a highly educated person. It will not be so difficult to think about, but it will take time... I believe that you also understand this truth, this world All the sorrows on the planet, no matter how meticulous or memorable, or through the arrows, will eventually be forgotten by time."

"This sentence is correct, I support your point of view, come on, cheers big stars."

I was very happy to eat a meal, Hua Zhi's appetite was wide, probably because it was delicious, I ate a bowl and a half of rice, and also ate a lot of dishes.

The West Lake vinegar fish was killed by Hua Zhi alone, and Xie Dongyang hardly took a few bites.

Before leaving, Hua Zhi didn't forget to boast a few words about the chef, "It's delicious, it's great."

The chef was suddenly praised to heaven, and he was so fortunate that he forgot to say thank you.

Waiting for Hua Zhi to go away, he reacted, "God, did Miss Hua Zhi just praise me?"

"What is Miss Hua Zhi, that is our President Hua, but President Hua, like President Xie, holds many shares of our Dongyang."

"Yes, yes, it's okay. It's Mr. Hua. Mr. Hua praised me just now and smiled at me." The chef wasn't happy, clutching his hand tightly.

Several waitresses ran against him, "Fat, do you feel like pufferfish at this moment?"

"Why?" The fat chef didn't understand this stalk.

"Because you are inflated, hahaha."

Several waitresses blushed the head chef. Hua Zhi, because of the month, was too afraid to drive by himself. He was accompanied by a driver and bodyguard when he went out.

After eating, Xie Dongyang returned to the headquarters of the Xiejia Group to get busy.

As soon as I returned to the office, I heard the secretary say, "Mr. Xie, Director Feng came to you."

"Huh? What's the matter with me?" Xie Dongyang took out his phone and looked at it. The sister-in-law really sent a WeChat message, and asked him if he would return to the company?

Xie Dongyang just wanted to reply, and heard the sound of high heels.

When he raised his head, he saw Feng Yu coming out of the office.

Feng Yu has great rights now, and the office is on the same floor as Xie Dongyang, and the high-level meeting rooms are on the top floor.

"Sister-in-law, are you looking for me?"

"Well, go in and say."

"it is good."

Xie Dongyang pushed open the door of the office and led Feng Yu into his office.

Feng Yu didn't know whether it was because of the psychological effect of Xie Dongyao's brainwashing repeatedly, and he was somewhat inexplicably excited to see Xie Dongyang.

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