Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1604: : Most afraid of comparison

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng: "Your sister-in-law's birthday, right?"

Xie Dongyang: "Yes, this Saturday night."

Hua Sheng: "What does she usually like?"

Xie Dongyang: "I don't know."

Hua Sheng: "How old is she?"

Xie Dongyang: "I don't know. It's about forty or so. It's not right. It's not right in the forties. I'm thinking about it."

Huasheng: ...

Hua Sheng: "Then you want to buy expensive, or about the same, or some handicraft made by yourself, express your heart?"

Xie Dongyang: "The craftsmanship is fine, I don't have that skill or talent, but it must be expensive. Although my eldest brother is gone, my sister-in-law is still my family and I can't be neglected."

Hua Sheng: Understand, I think about it.

Xie Dongyang: "Oh, A Sheng, is your antique shop still open?"

Hua Sheng: "It's all managed by Yu Ping, but something happened recently at Yu Ping's house. She didn't go much, what happened?"

Xie Dongyang: "It's okay, I suddenly thought you were an antique expert. My sister-in-law might like some ancient jade. Is there anything good for you? I'll choose one?"

Hua Sheng: "It's okay, but you let me see first, what else in the antique shop, I seem to haven't bought it for a long time, I'll ask Yu Ping first to see if there is anything you need, or else Run white."

Xie Dongyang: "OK, I'll wait for your news."

After Feng Yu walked out of Xie Dongyang's office, he returned to his office to get busy.

Feng Yu is less than forty years old, and the maintenance is excellent, and the beauty is long, so it is very conspicuous in the company.

In the past, she was Xie's young grandma. No one dared to do anything and think about it. Now Xie Dongze is dead. She is a beautiful little widow, plus a net worth of over 100 million yuan. Colorful objects.

No matter what the purpose is, she likes her appearance, body, or even the idea of ​​hitting her money. In short, it is not as quiet as before. Someone will express some love from time to time.

"Director Feng, are you busy?"

A minister in the planning department, named Chen Liang, is a young talent and a talent.

He is one year younger than Feng Yu and has not been married. As for having no girlfriend, this is unknown. After all, the company never interferes with the privacy of employees.

He was a very popular man in the company, but he was very thoughtful and aimed at Feng Yu.

"Something?" Feng Yu was too lazy to look up.

"Ah, it's really something."

"Speak, I listen."

"It's that our planning department completed this quarter relatively well. Before that, President Xie always said that he would give our department a reward, but there was no news behind this matter. I figured out that I am a small minister and it is not good to directly find a big boss like President Xie. You can only trouble the director, after all, our team is directly under your control."

Feng Yu suddenly thought of this matter, raised his head, and slapped his head, "You don't say that I really forgot this thing, I mentioned it to Dongyang, he said let me take care of it What does your team mean, do you want a bonus or travel?"

"I'm not in a hurry, I'll go back and ask you what you mean, and I will report it to you."

"it is good."

"Director Feng, are you free this Saturday?"

"What's wrong, say." Feng Yu thought it was a job, so he listened to the kid seriously.

"I want to invite you to have lunch for your birthday. I know that you will accompany your children at night, so I have lunch. How? I ordered lunch at the newly opened 228-story sightseeing tower in the city center. I also invited a violin player." Chen Liang leaned on his desk with both hands, and his voice was extremely gentle.

To be honest, it depends on the individual, this kid is absolutely charming, but if compared with Xie Dongyang, it is inferior.

PS: I finished the 6th today. I heard that many fans will find my contact information again. Thank you very much. Miss Blueberry didn’t expect that so many people would like my work, so I went to Sina Weibo , Meager name-writer blueberry love cheese. The little cute ones you like can pay attention, thank you.

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