Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1615: : Everyone suffers

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Actually, it wasn't that the man didn't respond. It was the man who didn't believe at all. He laughed for a long time.

Then hugged the sister in her arms, "Sister, this woman is crazy, she said you are dead, ha ha ha ha ha."

The woman in her arms is not slow or slow, "She is right, I am indeed dead."

"Don't make a fuss, I am a big man. I haven't seen any scenes, and I can be scared by the two of you. Do you know each other? What do you mean, set me up? Fairy jump?"

"It's a waste of air for someone like you to live."

Feng Xi felt like he was going to vomit blood, but he was not as good-tempered as Asheng, but he was not so calm.

Suddenly, the woman in her arms began to change her face.

Her body began to become a little illusory and empty, and the feet below suddenly disappeared, and the whole person floated.

This is not counted, mainly because there is one eye missing on that face, where there is only one black deep hole.

With eyes on one side and no eyes on the other, the picture itself was already terrifying, and the man suddenly shouted in horror.

"Oh mom, ghost..."

After yelling, he pushed away the woman fiercely, fell backward and sat on the ground, his legs shaking quickly.

There seemed to be some hot liquid coming out, and the wind glanced contemptuously, "It's a waste, all scared to urinate pants. Wasn't it just hard?"

"Sister, save me... save me, save me."

After the man reacts, he rolls and crawls toward the wind, and maybe he only reacts. The wind is a master who can cure these things.

But now I want to run, where is that simple.

The woman in red directly raised the long black whip in her hand, rolled up the man from the ground, and then pulled directly back to herself.

"Why are you running, don't you talk about loving me?" the woman asked coldly.

"Where do I know you are not a human being, you let me ugly..."

The man kicked his legs desperately and kicked his feet, ignoring the image of his masters.

The woman's eyes showed a fierce light, "Your man's words can't be taken lightly. Wechat talked so well before, you also said that you like my people, no matter what I look like, you love me and say you want to live forever By my side."

"Sister, the man is reliable, the sow will go to the tree, you have lived in vain all these years, you have lived for 21 years anyway, you are really stupid."

To be honest, the wind is a bit unbearable to deal with this woman, but it is just an infatuated soul, and there is no pitfall to hurt others, why not?

However, everything in the world has its own principles.

The existence of her style family is to eliminate evil spirits and maintain the law and order, not to sympathize with these wandering souls.

"Then you can allow me to kill this man and fight you again?"

The woman in red seems to be killing her heart, shaking her head with the wind, hands clasped her chest, "That is impossible, this is not what you should come from. Go back, go back to the underworld to report, wait for the opportunity, have the opportunity to reincarnate, and be a good person. ."

"No, I can't let this man who deceived me."

The woman seemed really touched, so she hated the guy in front of her so much, so no matter whether the wind was willing or not, she still shot.

Only, she shot half a beat slower than the wind, the moment she reached out to strangle the man's neck.

Feng Xi's Tian Lei Fu posted directly behind her.

Suddenly, with a thud, a sky of thunder descended from the sky, turning this soul into nothingness.

"Bitch, scared me to death,... is she dead?" The man was scared, but when the woman was gone, he trembling and patted the dust on his body.

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