Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1625: :in this life

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Tian Chao was really stunned by Hua Qing’s words, why did he have a son?

Having said that, didn't it mean that the father of the child had someone else?

At that time, it was quite troublesome, because for a period of time, Huaqing's private life was very unchecked, so the child's biological father has always been a mystery.

Even Hua Qing himself almost found the wrong person, and finally, after investigations, he confirmed that the child's father was the cowboy.

But this matter cannot be said publicly, after all, it is too shameful.

Hua Zhenyue is dead. If she is still alive, it is estimated that Hua Qing will be slapped **** her two, and her daughter, who is unsatisfactory, will be killed.

The Hua family is not an upstart, and it is not that there is money suddenly, but it is also three generations of wealth.

Starting from the old Chinese grandfather, it is the merchant power.

Now that her daughter has given birth to Niu Lang, where should she leave her family's face?

"You... don't make such a joke, I can't afford it."

"No kidding, you know me. Once you have said it, it must be confirmed. If you don't believe it, we can do a paternity test because I'm afraid you doubt it, so I didn't take the paternity test directly."

"What do you want?" Tian Chao felt that if the child really had nothing to do with himself, he would not come to blackmail ordinary people like him.

After all, Huaqing is proud and always looks so high.

"You don't have to be afraid, I didn't want to control you for money, just because you don't have enough money for our two ladies..."

"Then why do you need me?"

"I'm leaving a way for myself. In case I have an accident in the future, you can take care of the child. Although I did a lot of bad things, damn, but the child is innocent. I'm saying that he is your child after all in this life. "

"What did you do illegally?" Tian Chao's face changed drastically.

Hua Qing drank a cigarette and sneered. "I'm panicking. I didn't do anything illegal. I just leave myself a way. If you want, I will arrange for you to meet with your child in the near future."

"This...too sudden, I think about it."

The sudden news made Tian Chao unable to adapt. Although the child was right, he was not born because he fell in love.

Also, he is afraid of being used.

After all, Hua Qing, a woman in the rich circle, is notoriously vicious and mean.

"Okay, but I have the right to let you know the child's information. He used to give him the nickname Longevity, hoping that he can live long and long...but I think this is a kind of extravagance, who would Do you know which one comes first tomorrow or accident? So I changed the name to this life... I just hope that this life and this life can be more with him and get together, and this mother and child fate, after all, I am just a poor mother. "

I don’t know if it’s a deliberate act, a bitter drama, or a real emotion. Hua Qing’s remarks made people very sad.


No, she knows that she can't end her life, how can the child live longer?

If she was not threatened by a child, she would not be used by those people again and again. Would she not want to change her behavior? Don't want to get along with the sisters?

Unfortunately, everything is late.

Now, she only hopes that if something happens to her, this child has someone who can take care of him.

Who else do you expect? Count on Hua Zhi, or Hua Sheng? Can they help her? how could be?

"How old is that boy?" Tian Chao asked slowly for a while.

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