Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1628: : Difficulty in oral industry

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"It's still a good girl, yes, that's what happened."

Hua Sheng smiled and touched Ginkgo's head. "Then you shouldn't be angry anymore. You don't have to go to thank you. You don't need to drag the floor. Look at the floor of our house as a mirror." "

Ginkgo broke his nose and smiled, turned and ran back to the room to wash his face and change his clothes.

The little girl just couldn't hold her breath. At first glance, she vilified Huasheng and jumped upright, hoping to kill those who discredited Huasheng.

But where is Huasheng's pattern, where else can it control those small shrimps?

Xiaohei was lying on Huasheng's legs, lying lazily, squinting his eyes, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

"You are also my follower. Someone denigrates me. Are you angry?" Hua Sheng asked Xiaohe and smiled.

She knew she could speak, even if Jiang Liu hadn't said it before, she knew it.

Just Xiao Hei's identity...

Forget it, Huasheng respects Xiaohei very much, and many things Xiaohei want to say, but don't want to say it, because of it.

When she was deeply trapped in the seventy-two illusion, Xiaohei's mind was also traumatized. What was terrible was that Xiaohei was going through the robbery during that time, and there was no way to protect Xiaobai and the children.

After the robbery later, full of blood was resurrected, and the result could not be changed.

Of course, it can go to the Underworld, go to Pluto, let Pluto look at the owner's face, put Xiaobai and the children a way of life?

But in the future?

Will Xiaobai and the children never die?

In the words of the owner, Xiaobai and the child were reborn earlier. If you keep them forcibly, it will only delay them from continuing to suffer on the road to reincarnation.

Is it better to be a cat or a person?

Xiaohei has now slowly become the same as his master, trying to make himself Buddhist, basically speaking little and asking little things.

Unless the owner or the friend of the owner is in danger, it will shoot, otherwise... even if the sky falls, it will be too lazy to move.

Since Hua Sheng said so, Xiaohei certainly can't continue to pretend to die.

It opened his eyes lazily and stretched his waist. "He is jealous of jealousy, and his evil roots destroy the roots of goodness. Falsehood leads him to be miserable, and the traitor is no more than a woman's injustice."

"It's good, you all understand the Dharma." Hua Sheng smiled lightly.

Xiaohei continued to whisper, "Women, if they have serious karma, they are often impure, talk badly, and have jealousy in their hearts, and they will cause a lot of mouth karma. According to the Karma, there is an arahant who looks through the eyes of the sky and sees that the woman is doing bad things, and asks the Buddha, why? The Buddha said: Use four reasons."

"Tell me about four reasons." Huasheng is in a good mood. It is rare that the little black guy said so much at once.

The explanation of Xiaohei Gongyao Zhenger's Eight Classics, "One of them is greedy for glory and wealth, and has many desires. The two are good at being jealous, and never see anyone better than herself, so they must always hack others and curse others, So as to get pleasure. Thirdly, talkatively and provocatively, provoke alienation, break up people who love husband and wife, great evil. Fourth, the kind of **** who want to set up arches, they are not clean, but wronged others. "

"Oh? Then you talk about me being unfaithful to my husband?" Hua Sheng asked Xiaohei.

"If the master is not derailed mentally and the other is physically derailed, how come he is unfaithful?"

Without waiting for Hua Sheng to speak, Xiaohei said, "How can the masters be those Muggles can talk about at will. The master is a god, overlooking the earth, they are human beings, and they have been treated with chai rice, oil and salt."

"What about the river?"

"Jiang Liu is also the person he loves the most in his heart." This is Xiaohei's answer.

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