Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1630: : Things are like gods

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"Hurry up, Mr. Jiang, what's the matter?"

Every time facing the affection and tenderness of the river, Hua Sheng always feels that her life is too short. She is not afraid that the river will grow old one day, but she will be afraid that the river will die one day.

Will leave, how can she be so embarrassed to go to Mingyan, and let him send the river back from the underworld?

I didn't know the mind of Pluto before, so I can find faults without worries and go to the Underworld.

Now that I know the minds of others, relying on people like you and embarrassing others, it is shameless that Huasheng can't do things that harm their friends.

For example, Beihan Bingyu, does Huasheng want children?

Of course not. She just knew that Beihan Bingyu needed a lot of money, and Mingyan would pay a lot. She didn’t want her friends to blame herself.

Not to mention the shackles of a lifetime for friends.

So I would rather have no children than owe this relationship.

It's a pity that it's still a miscalculation. I didn't expect the brash guy from the wind to come.

It's too late to say anything now.

"A Sheng, Qin Wanyu wants to get married."

"The wind doesn't want to knot?" Hua Sheng also guessed.

Jiang Liu nodded.

"He said nothing, why didn't Feng Xi want to get married?" Hua Sheng asked.

"I didn't say, just say that every time I mentioned the matter of marriage, the wind seemed to deliberately avoid. I didn't answer it at all. But this kind of non-positive answer, which is a polite refusal, is very distressing."

Waiting for Asheng to speak, Jiangliu approached Huasheng a little bit again, and his voice became softer, "Asheng, do you know the sense of belonging to the family? Don't hide from you, I used to think that old Qin guy Maybe he’s been an unmarried person all his life. After all, he has been in Jiangcheng for many years. How many Yingying Yanyan want to join him, but he is ruthlessly rejected, I think, then he may not have illusions about love and marriage. ... Until later there was a wind... Plus, in the past few years, Hua Zhi is almost a parent, and even the little fart child Gao He is getting close to marriage... Lao Qin must be touching, who doesn’t want to Want a home?"

Hua Sheng is a clever person, and immediately understood what Jiang Liu said.

"In this way, Qin Wanyu's position is embarrassing."

"It's not just embarrassment. When there were children, the Qin family was going to get married. At that time, whether it was for children or for true love, then the Qin family prepared so much in full sincerity. In the end? Killed the child and left Lao Qin."

"It's impossible for the wind to hit the child, it's not her fault."

In the end is a very good friend, even in front of the river, Huasheng must strive to maintain the style.

Jiang Liu also understood and smiled, "My Asheng, don’t worry, I don’t mean to blame the wind, I mean... Is there any way to facilitate the marriage between the two of them, so that Lao Qin also walks in earlier? The siege of marriage, like us, has become a greasy old man."

"The greasy old man, who? Are you?"

"if not?"

"You're not." Hua Sheng put his fingers over Jiang Liu's mouth, and he was not allowed to confess.

Jiang Liu smiled deeper, "It's okay for me to be an ordinary person, Muggle flesh, always old, and I hope that Mrs. Jiang you, don't think of me as greasy, and be with me every day to have breakfast and accompany me. I watch the sunset, okay?"

"No, I'm looking for Xiao Xianrou to wander across the world."

"Oh, Mrs. Jiang, if you study badly, you will be angry with your husband."

Jiang Liu directly threw the sweetheart on the opposite side, and then tickled repeatedly, making Hua Sheng laugh.

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