Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1636: : A little weird

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Although he was well prepared, he was shocked when he heard Ming Yan say it.

Huasheng subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and that kind of mood, if not a close person, is really incomprehensible.

"Are you OK?"

Pluto wanted to reach out and help, but he felt that he was not doing that properly, so he just raised his hand and did not reach it.

Instead, Bai Ran ignored Huasheng's arm and supported her.

"If you are tired, go to sleep first. These things are not in a hurry. The same will be said tomorrow. The wind is strong here."

It's rare that Bairan will say such a gentle word, and he always laughs at the hippy smile.

Hua Sheng shook his head and his face was pale. "It's okay, you continue to say, since all come, come sit down. I happen to want to ask you something."

Afterwards, the three of them entered the flower garden built by Huasheng in the garden after ten miles of spring breeze.

Here are transparent glass, all of which are Huasheng's favorite flowers, and have been carefully cared for.

There is also a huge root carving coffee table with several round solid wooden stools.

There is a set of expensive teapot tea set on the coffee table, as well as a lotus-shaped tea pet.

This is a holy place on earth, especially in the corner, there is a more elaborate Guzheng.

"Good taste." This is Bai Ran said.

Pluto didn't care about looking at flowers, but just kept worrying about Huasheng's emotions.

"Sit down."

Subsequently, Hua Sheng pours tea for the two skillfully.

"I have heard that there are three rulers in the demon world. Although the moon-cutting is the future master of the demon world, after all, he has not officially enthroned and sealed the devil. So, his brothers also have a chance? Right, so his brother should be with He’s not right, he won’t be stupid enough to avenge him? After all, he’s not there, and it will be of great benefit to those two.”

There are too few memories of Hong Jue in Hua Sheng's mind, and the only few fragments are related to the moon.

Therefore, there is no important clue to the devil world, and it is also based on the thinking of normal people.

Bairan took a teacup and smiled, "The normal situation is like this, but the real situation is a bit troublesome. As far as I know, the three guys in the demon world, although they are not in love, they are definitely not killing each other, at least those two This is the unintentional throne."

"How could this be?" Hua Sheng was surprised, which was not good news.

Pluto continued, "The news of the demon world is relatively closed outside. After all, after the war between gods and demons, there has never been any intersection in these years. However, I still know some clues with the old fox. A sky axe, Megatron. But it is said that after falling in love with the banshee many years ago, she took the banshee to hide in a hideaway in the demon world, and had children, but these have not been confirmed. And the three princes Fengying, personality comparison Unpredictable, it is said that I like powerful mountains and rivers, and often go out through time and space, which is also the position of the unintentional devil. But one thing, his strength cannot be underestimated."

Hua Sheng nodded, "I know, Dear Moon's dear brother, how can I underestimate... that person... but almost made my husband, the soul scattered, disappeared in the Three Realms and Six Dao..."

At this moment, Hua Sheng hated to cut the moon.

If it wasn't for her to go away at the beginning, she was going to kill on the wheel, where there is the current river, I'm afraid she will cry.

The man who cuts the moon makes people feel numb and scared when they think about it.

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