Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1642: : Tangle to death

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng seldom asks this, because she doesn't like to do business, even if she is a good friend, she won't easily involve privacy.

So if you're so serious, give Feng Xi's heart a whimper.

"A Sheng, who made you come?"

"Qin Wanyu found the river, and the river found me."

"By... I knew it was him, this dead guy. I would call him and call him to death now. Do I even need someone to do the work even when I get married?" .

"You put down the phone and look at me."

The wind immediately snapped, put down the phone, and looked at Huasheng sideways.

"If Qin Wanyu had a solution, he wouldn't put down his face to find the river or find me. I guess he must have mentioned it many times, but you will not give him the opportunity to speak. Now if you go back and blame him If you don’t say it yourself, wouldn’t that hurt your face, wouldn’t it hurt?”

"Uh... that's right."

Hua Sheng said that there is reason and evidence, the wind is a little guilty, and naturally dare not say anything.

"How do you think about things, if you don't want to be together, you shouldn't forgive for the last time. If you forgive, you shouldn't drag on, and don't give someone an argument."

"What you said to A Sheng, I understand the truth, right...I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, the wind entangled again.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid, you know, my identity and family, born with aura and mission, I don't want to be so great. But what can I do? My mother is a wind family, my grandpa is great, my aunt and grandma It’s so great, whether I’m willing or not, I must be great.”

"anything else?"

"I don’t have much to say about the children. You know the **** rules of our Feng family. Once a woman becomes pregnant, she loses all her energy. How many monsters and ghosts have we dealt with over the years? What should I do? It's the same as last time, you depend on you to save?"

"I can protect you. During pregnancy, I can protect you." Hua Sheng knows that Fengxi also likes children. The child he lost last time made Fengxi sad for a long time. For years, as long as the child is mentioned, Those words that the underworld said to the wind, the wind will collapse and cry.

Any woman, as long as she becomes a mother, becomes sensitive and vulnerable...

The wind is strong, and it is also a person and an ordinary woman. She will not be willing to experience a second time in this tragedy.

"A Sheng, you can protect me throughout pregnancy, what about after the baby is born? Can you protect our family of three for a lifetime?"

Hua Sheng is silent...

Yes, she can't. She can't promise to protect other people's life except the river. After all, it's impossible to be together all the time.

"You might say that when I have a baby, the mana will be restored, but I also have my own tasks, and I have to continue to do my responsibilities. I will also spend less time with the children. In case of negligence, then Was captured by the monster... shall I still live?"

"Then don't you plan to get married?"

"Think, but I didn't expect when to get married, maybe just get married, don't want children?" Feng Xi bit his lip, wondering.

"Is this too cruel?" Hua Sheng had not been pregnant for many years before, too much to realize the feeling of not wanting children, they all like children, but they don't want it, they dare not.

There are too many enemies in the dark. I am afraid that my child will feel uneasy for a lifetime if something happens to the child.

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