Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1646: : Broken thread

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Ten miles of spring breeze

Both Huasheng and Jiangliu were about to fall asleep, and they heard Gingko talking.

Both couples went downstairs and looked at it. The wind touched the tip of their nose and their faces were guilty. "Cough, it's not good for me to disturb the world of you two, but I do have some anxious things to tell A Sheng."

"Qin Wanyu is really nothing."

Of course, Jiang Liu made a joke. The implication is that, being so late, will it still let you out and get you out of bed?

The wind was cheeky, smiling, and quickly gave Huasheng a look.

"Do you want to listen together?" Hua Sheng took Jiangliu's hand and didn't want to hide it.

"No, you two talk, I'll go read the book."

Jiang Liu touched Hua Sheng's head and gave gentle comfort, and left with a sense.

Gingko also made phone porridge with small objects and got into the bedroom and refused to come out.

Hua Sheng was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a gentle breeze. Xiaohe didn't know when it was coming, so he lay down under the sofa, squinting his eyes and not knowing if he was asleep.

"what happened?"

"The clue is broken," Feng Xi whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I went back and used a psychic trick on the three of them, but failed."

"Where did the soul go? Was it imprisoned?" Then I went to speak with Ming Yan."

Hua Sheng thought that it was Pluto who took away the soul, so it was impossible for the wind to enchant the soul.

The wind shook his head. "At first, I thought it was true, and I also specially asked my family to breeze to speak to Lord Pluto, hoping that he would lend me to use it. When I asked, I would let them go back. Then I learned that these three Soul is not in Underworld, and Underworld is also looking for."

"Lost soul?" Hua Sheng frowned slightly.

This feeling is particularly bad, why?

Because at the beginning, when the moon was colluded with Ling Jiuzhou and Xie Dongyang was used to tune the tiger away from the mountain, Huasheng was because of his carelessness, thinking that the soul of the river was in the underworld, so he did not rush to save people. Xie Dongyang was saved first.

But when I went to catch up, I realized that the river spirit was not in the underworld.

Everything in the normal world, whether it is an animal or a human, dare to be managed by the underworld after death, and then arrange follow-up based on what he did in his lifetime.

If you do much evil, you will go to **** and suffer. If you have a good heart, you will be reincarnated.

The most feared thing is that this soul is gone, either it was robbed by someone, or the soul was exterminated directly.

However, looking at the state of the corpse, it doesn't seem that the soul is destroyed, but it still feels like a breath.

Now it's gone, it's really evil.

"Have you asked your people to find it?"

"Yes, I have found it, but unfortunately there is no news, so I think this matter is a bit wrong, and I want to discuss it with you."

Huasheng lowered his head and considered for a long time.

"Hair, did you bring it?"

"Well, here."

The wind reached into his arms, wrapped the hair of the three dead in a piece of yellow paper, carefully took it out, and opened it.

At this time, Xiao Hei also lazily looked at his eyes, just like watching lively.

Hua Sheng reached out his hand and injected spiritual power into the three hairs, which immediately radiated a long white light.

She closed her eyes and felt something seriously.

It took a long time to open my eyes.

"How is it? What is your perception and clues?"

When the Fengjia mystery cannot be solved, Huasheng will inject powerful spiritual power to perceive all the memories of this object.

Hua Sheng's face was a little pale. Obviously, he did see some **** picture.

"Their soul has been devoured."

"What?" Feng Xi stretched his neck and almost screamed.

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