Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1651: : Was designed

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng looked at the people in black all the way back and forth. The kind of breath she had never noticed before.

It’s strange, but it’s definitely a smell of evil, because it’s a feeling with the breath of the devil and the death of the underworld, but they also exude a faint smell of rot, as if they have been soaked for many years. The smell of mummy and formalin are mixed together.

"What the hell?" The wind froze.

Because the guy in front of him is physical, indicating that it is not a ghost.

The appearance can't be distinguished, but in terms of body shape, it should be an alien, because they are all about one meter and nine meters tall, men.

Each face was given the same pale foundation, especially the dark circles, which was so thick and outrageous.

Lips are also purple, their clothes are very strange, actually the priest robe that the church priest likes to wear.

"Our host said, please invite Miss Hua Sheng and Miss Feng Xi to have a dinner together." One of them said, in a deadly tone.

"I can't stop, I don't know you well, so I don't eat anymore. By the way, what brand of eyeliner do you have? It's not bad. Tell me about it and put on makeup very quickly." Feng Xi still has a mind to tease, which means that she hasn't looked at her Of several serious things, Hua Sheng has never said a word.

Perhaps the naughty wind made those people a little surprised, and they were startled.

Then he said, "The host invites you to dinner, you must stay."

"What if we don't?" Feng Xi put his hands around his chest, from small to large, most afraid of who would act against her.

The four stupid big guys in front of me are really pretending, that kind of superiority makes the wind just want to beat people.

"Whether you want it or not, you can't get out. This door is closed."

"Don't be too blind and confident. You outsiders, do you understand the rules? Do you know that we have an old saying here? The dragon can't overwhelm the ground snake, no matter where you come from, you have to worship the mountain here, you know? Yes? The dragon drove me up, the tiger laid me down."

"Society." Hua Sheng almost laughed out loud, and whispered.

The wind is really social, and the social atmosphere is very strong, say she is a little girl, it is much more powerful than the little girl.

Say she is the eldest sister, she never bullied people, nor received protection fees, and often paid for the demon and demons.

Those few people obviously couldn't understand such profound culture and language, so they refused to give way without expression.

"Actually, if you let us go, we won't go either. Before we go, at least we have to solve you, so I actually want to ask, did your master give you silence before sending you out?"

Feng Xi felt that these guys, dark circles are not heavy enough, silly, silly, looking stupid, so incidentally flirted.

Feng Xi also deliberately took a step forward, and the one in front of her was a little angry, and the pale hand reached out and stopped.

"I heard that you, these things, are afraid of the cross. Today it seems that these words are false. Actually meeting us in the church is a provocation itself. Try the candy."

Feng Xi put his hand into the treasure bag, and then with a thunderous thunder, he talked about the little round master, which was directly stuffed in the mouth of the man in front of him.

Then he put his head up and down fiercely and made him shut his mouth tightly.

I didn't wait for those few people to respond, only to hear a muffled sound, this man's head blossomed and became paralyzed...

The dirty, dark liquid stuck to the wind.

"I'm fucking, it's dirty..." The windy face took out a small handkerchief and wiped it desperately.

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