Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1663: :An argument

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When Hua Sheng and Yu Ping rushed to the old house of the Hua family, they were already in a mess.

Please come to take care of Mrs. Hua’s babysitter is missing, and the house is turned upside down. The main thing is that Mrs. Hua seems to have experienced some terrible things.

She had been hiding on the sofa and huddled in a trembling, Huafeng, Hualin and Huazhi were all there.

"What's going on?" Hua Sheng looked at the messy ground and didn't know what happened.

"The babysitter ran away, and took away a lot of things in the house, the most important thing was that she abused her mother." Hua Lin cried angrily, tearing as she said.

"Abusive mother?" Hua Sheng stunned.

"Look, Wumei, my mother is all hurt..."

Hualin rolled up her mother's cuffs, and the traces of bruising were very clear. At first glance, she was pinched, and the area was very large, which was shocking.

Yu Ping is a pregnant woman. She can't see such a thing, and quickly turned her head away.


"We have asked someone to find it. This is a crime. It's mad... Didn't that person take care of the family before? It's considered an old acquaintance, how can he still do this kind of thing?" Hua Sheng vaguely remembered, this nanny is Hua Feng contacted, and used to work in the old house of the Hua family. It is an old acquaintance, but I didn't expect...

Hua Zhi, who had never spoken, raised his head, "Old acquaintances will also change, but they are driven by interests. My father is away, my mother is now so stupid, and I will not be as dedicated as I used to. This just blames me, I When I lived here before, it was good. As soon as I left, something went wrong without thinking."

Hua Lin was busy comforting, "Don’t say that, Sister Sister, we all have our own families. No one can live in their natal family for a lifetime. We can’t think of anything wrong. Everyone is in the same mood. Fortunately, mom. Nothing serious happened, otherwise...we are really regretful."

Hua Sheng walked over and saw Mrs. Hua for a while.

"Mom, what happened? You tell us?"

"Afraid, afraid...don't hit me."

Mrs. Hua is usually confused and sometimes sober, so she can't ask why.

But at this time, Hua Sheng had a little more real meaning. She was close to Mrs. Hua and pulled up her wrist. "Mom, did the nanny take the things in this room? Did the nanny hit you?"

"Five sisters, what do you mean? Not a nanny, who else?"

Hua Sheng's off-string sound made Hua Feng a little unhappy.

The babysitter was found by her, and some trivial matters in the family these days were arranged by herself. Now that something has happened, Hua Sheng keeps questioning, which really makes her think more easily.

"Sister, don't worry, I don't mean you."

"Then you don't need to talk to your mother like that? She is scared, and you keep asking? What the **** are you doing?"

"What do I mean? How can I say this?" Hua Sheng sneered.

Seeing that they were arguing, Hua Zhi was also upset and slapped her thigh, "Okay, stop talking."

Suddenly quiet in the living room...

Hua Zhi lowered her head and didn’t look at anyone, but she was obviously angry. “It doesn’t make sense to ask anything about this. Mom can’t live alone. We are not at ease to return to the nursing home like this, so I suggest that we should go to our respective homes, and each one stays for one month. Everyone takes turns to take care of them... Of course, I said these words, it does not mean that I don’t want to be responsible for one person. My mother is everyone’s mother. That’s also unfair to you, what do you think?"

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