Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1666: : People in temperament

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyao was very positive and took the initiative to gather a table of meals, waiting for everyone.

Xie Ning also wore a pink princess dress and ordered a super big cake for her mother.

She took her grandmother's hand and also went downstairs. Xie Dongyao didn't forget to boast, "The longer our family Ning Ning looks, the better it looks."

Unfortunately, Xie Ning responded very coldly. Since discovering her and her mother's words that day, Xie Ning seems to have always had an opinion on this little aunt.

These days I don’t care at home, but Xie Dongyao doesn’t mind. Just a child, what kind of storms can it set off?

Feng Yu was also carefully dressed, and took out his favorite black evening dress, showing his back.

Although Feng Yu passed the best golden age at his age, he didn't say that his figure was very stylish.

When she came downstairs, she deliberately glanced, "Don't you come back yet?"

Xie Dongyao smiled mysteriously, "I called my second brother, he was on the road, there was some traffic jam, and he would be here soon."

"it is good."

Hearing the answer, I was very satisfied. A few people sat at the table and chatted while waiting for Xie Dongyang.

Xie Dongyao came back fifteen minutes later, carrying a cake in his hand.

"Yeah, there are cakes, and I bought one too."

After talking, Xie Dongyang put the cake on the table, which was twice as big as the one in Xie Ning's hand, and was a double layer.

"I made this by myself. My grandma took me to the cake shop. I learned it from the baker. I'm great, uncle."

Xie Ning's milky coquettishness, Xie Dongyang directly picked up his niece and put it on his lap.

"Ning Ning is the best in our house. The one bought by Uncle is definitely not as good as yours. We will eat yours first, OK?"

Xie Ning nodded with satisfaction.

"Second brother, today the protagonist is the sister-in-law, you haven't said any blessings yet."

Xie Dongyao made great efforts to match Xie Dongyao and Feng Yu, afraid that his second brother would ignore the sister-in-law, and Mrs. Xie's side also believed that her son would marry another daughter-in-law. Outsider Tian, ​​plainly speaking, was successfully brainwashed by Xie Dongyao.

Xie Dongyang, holding a glass of beer, actively toasting, "Happy Birthday, Dasao."

"Thank you." Feng Yu smiled and picked up the cup.

After thinking for a while, Xie Dongyang said, "Thank you Dasao for everything you have done for this family over the years. You are someone who is not related to us, but you have paid so much for us. We thank you and thank you for my brother. Having a baby daughter has left the only blood line for our Xie family...I believe that Dad and Big Brother in the Spirit of Heaven will also be pleased."

"Second brother, at this time, what do you say, I will cry for the sister-in-law soon." Xie Dongyao stared at his brother.

Indeed, as soon as he talked about this, Feng Yu was in tears, after all, that was the biggest tragedy of the Xie family.

"Sorrow is something everyone will have, but we always have to face it... I wanted to surrender myself before, but now I want to start, and life still needs to continue... I must work hard to finish the unfinished business of my father and brother. , I won’t blush until I see each other after 100 years."

"Second Uncle, when did you become so literary?" Xie Ning smiled and looked at his uncle with a look of admiration.

"Literary art?"

"Well, the tone of speech is particularly like Aunt Hua Sheng." Xie Ning smiled.

"Ah, maybe it was infected by my goddess..." Xie Dongyang laughed.

Mentioning Hua Sheng, Feng Yu was not so happy, and directly diverted the topic, "Dongyang, how about you try this fish?"

After talking, Feng Yu gave Xie Dongyang a dish, which was originally nothing, and it used to be there often, but the difference is that now Feng Yu's mood has changed and it is not as good as before.

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