Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1676: : Pregnant women's emotions

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Afraid of anything, anyway, Xie Dongyang is just a district."

Qiao Xue said as he walked out of the wall, the white clothes he had worn before turned into off-white.

The most terrifying thing about Qiao Xue is that she will always look like a 17-year-old girl, but... IQ and mind are far from comparable to adults.

That's why, before, Hua Sheng let Feng Xi take care of her, and Feng Xi always didn't care. It was only when she was a child that she couldn't lift the storm.

"Of course I am not afraid of him, I am afraid of Huasheng." Xie Dongyao was not angry.

She dropped the tablet on the desk and put a smile on her face.

"Don’t worry, Master Dekas has already shot. It should be said that it was shot with Hua Qing. Hua Qing did well this time, and the idiot finally did the right thing. The Chinese sisters seem to have misunderstood Hua Sheng. It's quite deep, and it won't be unlocked for the time being, and... Huasheng was so misunderstood over time, it will erupt sooner or later, and we will have a chance by then.

As for the wind, not to mention, as far as I know, there are already people who are planning to start Qin Wanyu. "

Xie Dongyao sneered, "Qin Wanyu? Isn't that your old friend?"

"Don't say that, you were also obsessed with suicide, didn't you?"

It is also a coincidence, whether it is Qiao Xue or Xie Dongyao, they really loved Qin Wanyu.

But the difference is that Qiao Xue is better, at least in his youth, he was still regarded as Bai Yueguang in his heart.

Xie Dongyao has never received the slightest concern and feedback from Qin Wanyu, and they are all poor people.

"It's no fun to run like this. Now I'm doing things for the master. What I want is the result, but I also remind you, Qin Wanyu, don't even think about it. That kid is dead on the wind now, so you're saved. He, he would not appreciate it either."

Xie Dongyao's warning, Qiao Xue naturally does not like to listen.

"I don't need your warning, I understand how to do it myself."

The person I hate the most in Qiao Xue's heart is Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu. If they were not both of them, they wouldn't force themselves to be like mice crossing the street.

Late at night, Wangjia Villa

Wang Junxian went to a business party, and when he came back, it was already half past ten in the middle of the night

As soon as she entered the house, the aunt said that the young lady did not eat at night and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Wang Junxian didn't have time to change clothes, so he went upstairs.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Hua Zhi was lying on the bed and his face was not very good.

"Mrs. Wang, I heard that you didn't eat at night? Is it unpleasant? What do you want to eat, I will make it for you?"

"I do not want to eat."

"What's wrong?"

Wang Junxian walked over in two steps and directly took Hua Zhi's hand.


"If you feel that your home is boring, you can go to Wumei's house. I think your favorite place is Shili Chunfeng."

"Stop, I won't go, love to go to you."

After hearing the ten-year spring breeze, Hua Zhi was even more angry, and immediately got angry.

Wang Junxian suddenly understood that Hua Zhi was awkward with Hua Sheng, so he smiled and comforted, "What happened to your sisters? Where did A Sheng offend you?"

"A Sheng has been very ruthless recently. How can our sisters compare with others' style in my heart... Where can I go cheeky?"

In fact, Hua Zhi was not angry because Hua Sheng ignored the existence of Hua Qing and that child, but deep inside, hoping that his position in Hua Sheng’s heart would be higher than that of the wind. To put it bluntly, the little sisters were jealous of the wind. Everyone Huasheng puts the highest priority on himself.

Therefore, what Hua Zhi said was sour, and these were all trivial things in Wang Junxian's eyes.

"Then you wait, I will call and scold A Sheng now, who made her provoke my wife..." Wang Junxian took the initiative to pick up the phone.

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