Forever Worthy of Your Love

: Special Commemorative Edition: Sweet Ginger Couple 001

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

One night, Hua Sheng couldn’t sleep, and had a whim, wanting to see what the river looked like when he was a child.

Speaking of which, I have seen the reincarnation of the river and the shape of the soul of the river before.

The only thing I haven’t seen is the rivers of my childhood. I wonder if he was cold at that time?

Therefore, Huasheng secretly sneaked into Jiangcheng many years ago while he was asleep at night.

You can also think of this as a journey through time...

Because I love deeply, I am curious--

More than 20 years ago, Jiangcheng

Hua Sheng appeared at the door of the Jiang family mansion. At that time, the Jiang family mansion still looked very old.

It is a three-story building with a cyan appearance and a large surrounding wall.

Far away, she saw a little boy squatted on the floor and didn't know what to look at.

She walked gently to the lawn behind the small building.

The little boy in white short sleeves looked like he was only five or six years old.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

"What are you looking at?"

Hearing the sound, the little boy raised his head, and then the next second, Hua Sheng felt that his heart was about to melt.

This is really the mini-little stream, the look is still that look, in the end it is incomparably handsome, star face.

But because he was only five or six years old, it looked extremely cute, as if to make a few kisses.

Seeing strangers, Xiao Jiangliu did not seem to be afraid. Instead, she answered her question quietly.

"I am watching ants."

"What's so good about ants?" Hua Sheng took the opportunity to squat beside Xiaojiangliu and watched carefully.

"Don't you think it's fun? Although they are small, they have a lot of vitality, they like to live in groups, they are creative, they don't give up easily, no matter what they want to do, they will eventually achieve their goals."

"Who taught you these words?" Hua Sheng was surprised.

"No one taught me. I observed it myself. After I saw heavy rain, a group of ants moved. They ran out of thirty-one days before they moved everything. They never gave up halfway."

"You are so smart, it was so smart when you were a kid."

Hua Sheng reached out his hand and wanted to touch his head. Who knows, before being touched, he was pushed away by the river.

"Don't touch my head."

"Why?" Hua Sheng smiled curiously.

"My mother said that the boy's head was only touched by the future wife, others could not touch it."

"Really? Then I touched it, wouldn't I just be your wife?"

Unexpectedly, after Xiao Jiangliu heard this, his face turned red.

"Wow, you actually blush... Did you understand what I meant?"

"A person as big as you is, it's not ashamed... to get up and delay me from looking at the ants."

Perhaps it was angry and angry, Hua Sheng was pushed away by the little guy, but she was not angry at all.

Such a lovely river, but her husband in the future is the man she loves most in her life.

"Jiang Liu, what kind of wife do you want to marry in the future."

"How do you know my name is Jiang Liu?"

Sure enough, it was meticulous, not so deceptive, and found Huasheng's loophole at once.

"That's because I came for you. I knew you were a river and came to your house."

"You come to my house, what's the purpose?" Xiao Jiangliu looked alert.

"Just to tell you, your future daughter-in-law, just like me so beautiful." Hua Sheng pointed at himself.

"You, a big girl, don't know shyness at all? If I look for a wife in the future, I won't be able to find you. I don't know how to be polite and honest." Xiao Jiang's cheeks were red.

Hua Sheng smiled non-stop covering his face, "Jiang Liu, if I said, I still want to kiss you, can you agree?"

"You think..." Before the last beautiful word was spoken, Jiangliu felt that his cheeks were covered with something soft, and then there was a very fragrant smell.

When I look back, the beautiful woman is gone...

Eh? Is everything just an illusion just now?

Early next morning

As soon as Jiang Liu woke up, he saw Hua Sheng staring at himself with a strange look.

"Mrs. Jiang is early, but what do you want to do when you look at me like this?" Jiang Liu lazily opened his eyes and smiled softly.

"Jiang Liu, I want to touch your head." Hua Sheng smirked.

River flow: ...

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