Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1686: : Deep hidden

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Master Wind, Master Wind, there is something to report..."

After the fresh wind rushed in, I saw that Qin Wanyu was under the wind, preparing to do something unsuitable for children.

"Uh... Lord Fengxi, yes... I'm sorry, isn't it time for me to come?"

This breeze has been doing ghosts for a long time, but also forgot the fun of the world, forgot to knock on the door, and directly destroyed the good things of others.

The wind turned flush, but he didn't speak.

But Qin Wan was unhappy, pointing at the breeze and scolding, "I have observed you for a long time. In the breeze of our family's errands, you are the most honest... There is no fart in the day, and it is a critical moment at night. It's bad for me, I will interrupt your dog legs sooner or later."

"Mr. Qin, I... I can't come out during the day, are you deliberately discrediting me?"

"My **** was scared by you sooner or later, you prodigal stuff..." Qin Wanyu really wanted to stoop down to pick up the slippers on the ground and suffocate the blind guy.

The wind stood up embarrassingly, pushed away Qin Wanyu, and sorted out the messy pajama collar, "cough cough, what's wrong, it's anxious."

"Master Fengxi, those vampires have moved again, and are ready to hunt near the fourteen alley in Beixiao Street."

"Ah? Nima, don't you stop, and report to me?"

Feng Xi remembers to wear shoes when he goes to the ground. Hearing the breeze and saying, "You can rest assured that they did not succeed and were cleaned up."

"what's the situation?"

The wind froze for a moment, and didn't seem to understand the meaning of his own breeze.

"The black cat from Master Huasheng has shot, hey, hey, that black cat hasn't really been found before, why is it so powerful? I tell you, Lord Fengxi, that black cat appears at the vampire at a critical moment In front of me, I said it would be soon..."

Just like the storytelling, this breezy picture depicts how the black cat killed the vampire.

Even Qin Wanyu listened to God, showing how good this breeze is.

"Xiaohei is so amazing?" The wind is also incredible.

Especially when I heard that Xiaohei would transform and bit off the heads of those guys, the scene was really cool and cool.

"In this way, the black cat bit the heads of three vampires overnight. They should be group monsters. After the three accidents, the others dared not act rashly, just because Jiangcheng could be peaceful for a few days. Now."

"It's really great... No wonder A Sheng is not in a hurry, it turns out there is a countermeasure."

Feng Xi thought about anxiously going to Huasheng today to discuss how to deal with vampires, and was later diluted by Asheng's pregnancy.

After returning, I was wondering how to clean up those guys.

Unexpectedly, at night, Huasheng sent Xiao Hei, which is really an enemy, making people hooked.

"What a vampire, is it so mysterious?"

Qin Wanyu didn't know what these things were, but just felt too mysterious. The wind glanced at Qin Wanyu, "You came back from a business trip in the western suburbs that day, do you know why I'm so scared?"


"Because the thing you hit was a vampire, that thing was resurrected in your back seat, and almost took you to the tooth sacrifice. If it weren't for my yellow paper man, you might be a dead body."

"True and false, please don't mess with Xi..."

Qin Wanyu was also pale when he heard it, but he didn't want to admit it. He just thought it would be the wind to deliberately scare him.

"Am I going to make trouble with you, you are really fateful, if it is not because of you and I have a concentric lock, I can perceive your danger, you are really dead... Qin Wanyu, I tell you, Jiangcheng has Vampires, and there are still a lot of them. You will give me a little less to **** with your mother in the evening, and you will cook for me at home, right?"

Qin Wanyu: ...

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