Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1689: : All white-eyed wolves

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Hua Sheng smiled coldly, got up and looked at Hua Feng, "Why don't I understand what I said? What happened between me and the third sister? Don't say it didn't happen, even if it happened, how could it be Let me apologize? What heinous crimes have I committed? Just because I took the initiative to take my mom back to take care? Didn’t give you a few opportunities?"

Hua Sheng's appearance made everyone think of it a few years ago, when she had just come down the mountain and married Jiangliu.

There is a lot of chaos one after another at home, so there is no rest.

At that time, Huafeng and Huaqing were still on the same boat, so they were diametrically opposed to Huazhi and Huasheng.

At that time, Hua Sheng also fought against them in this way, and never showed mercy. Now, it seems that it has made people anxious again.

When Hua Sheng was unhappy, Hua Feng quickly explained, "Look, Wumei, do you have a lot of heart when I say this? We have been with each other for so long, no matter what kind of temperament, we should be very clear, no matter what Who is right and who is wrong, aren’t your three sisters pregnant now? You also know that the pregnant woman is a bit temperamental and just look at her face with a baby and a big belly, don’t care about it?"

"That said, our young lady still..."

Gingko was going to be mad, and only felt that Hua Feng was also a green tea bitch, and they all came to bully their girls.

Is it true that Miss San is pregnant, then who will not be pregnant?

Their young lady is now too expensive for her mother and son. Ginkgo just got angry and was stopped by Huasheng.

In fact, she is not planning to let a few people know about her pregnancy, especially when Hua Qing is still present.

Except Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu, Yu Ping and Ginkgo knew about it.

However, Yu Ping has a very strict mouth, so she won't go out and ask, and you won't be able to ask. Gingko has a short temper, and you can't give it in a hurry...

Fortunately, Hua Sheng stopped in front of me, so I started to talk about it, "After the third sister became pregnant, she was a little irritable, but you also said, since I am my own sister, I am definitely not an accountant. Several sisters came today, since I came to see my mother, so I will accompany the elderly well. I am a little tired, so go to rest first."

After talking, Huasheng got up slowly...

"Five sisters, I..."

"If the fourth sister wants to drink anything, let Ginkgo prepare it. You sit down."

Hua Lin wanted to pull Hua Sheng to say something, but before she could say it, Hua Sheng gave it back, so that her words could not be spoken.

Hua Sheng didn't give up his face, so where did Ginkgo think about pouring tea for them?

He was so angry that he used a mop to directly scold them. Before leaving, Gingko held the mop and said to Sang Xuanhuai, "There are so many white-eyed wolves in this world, one by one, I have forgotten my house. If the young lady’s favor is not my lady’s favor, some people think it’s already a loess, how can you still have a baby?"

Hua Lin heard this, her cheeks were red...

"Some people, the divorced divorce, the children were taken away, and the job was not found. If it wasn’t for my lady who sent her back generously, where is the CEO? Now, it’s the CEO’s shelf to suppress people. ,shameless."

After listening to Hua Feng, he was a little embarrassed, don't pretend to pretend not to hear.

"Some people, it’s really easy to change their nature, they are shameless, a stinky fish is a pot of soup, as long as she is there, there will be no peace at home, and she will act all day long. Quite a lot, this is from the film school, right?"

Hua Qing stalked his neck, and he didn't speak. After all, he couldn't make a mistake with a little girl.

"Miss San has not come now, if I come, I have something to say." Ginkgo was not angry, and looked at the three with unfriendly eyes.

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