Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1692: : Midnight Dream

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Xiao He's arrogant face, "She comes in to steal something."

"to be frank."

"She really wants to steal something, and is uneasy."

"Give you another chance." Hua Sheng sullenly.

Xiaohei obediently said, "She smells like those vampires."

"Oh? Huaqing is a vampire?"

"No, she is still human, but she has a strong vampire smell, which shows that she and the vampire have collusion."

"Well, I thought about this." Hua Sheng nodded.

"On her, I smell another taste, you must be familiar with it."


Looking at the mysterious secret of the little black god, Hua Sheng was even more curious.

"Qiao Xue, remember?"

"Of course." Why can't Huasheng remember that high-grade green tea **** that almost broke Qin Wanyu from the wind?

The girl who always has the face of a seventeen-year-old girl, that tenacious soul.

After several rounds of siege, she escaped and disappeared for a while. Hua Sheng and Feng Xi thought she was afraid of leaving Jiangcheng.

Now Xiaohei said, Hua Qing also has the taste of Qiao Xue, then...

"Also, I have smelled this kind of taste in Xie Dongyao." Xiao Hei said slowly.

Little Black likes Xie Dongyang inexplicably, maybe because of Xiaobai's sake, so now he occasionally goes to Xie Dongyang's house to shake it.

Xiaohei is a cat, a cat with spiritual power, and its sense of smell is very powerful.

So through Xie Dongyang, you can smell the taste of Xie Dongyao, after all, Xie family often meet.

Now Xiao Hei said so, that is to say, Hua Qing, Xie Dong Yao, vampire, Qiao Xue, they are all related.

This was a problem that Hua Sheng didn't think about before. She looked out the window and fell into contemplation.

"A Sheng, you said, will they have allied secretly? To deal with you?"

"Also a possibility."

"Would you like me to go, and Hua Qing and Xie Dongyao... click..." Xiao Hei opened his mouth, which means that they chewed them directly.

Hua Sheng shook his head, "Let's put a long line to catch big fish, there are definitely people behind them, and it's not simple... Xie Dongyao and Hua Qing are still people, they won't hurt people easily, and Qiao Xue doesn't dare to show his head, Fear of the wind to find her. It's those vampires who have to deal with it, or else... Jiang Cheng doesn't know how many innocent people have died."

"Has the person looking for A Sheng already arrived?"

Xiaohei vaguely remembered that Hua Sheng had said he was going to find a rescuer, but there was no movement at the moment.

Hua Sheng smiled without saying a word.

Did not answer this question directly, but suddenly asked Xiaohei, "Xiaohei, I am pregnant, don't you seem happy?"

After listening, Xiaohe closed his eyes and pretended to die.

"Do you know something?"

"A Sheng, the river is back. Please go downstairs to get tired."

As soon as Hua Sheng was about to speak, he heard the door opening downstairs, and in the next second, Jiang Liu said, "What about A Sheng?"

"Grandpa, the lady is in the study upstairs."

Sure enough, Jiang Liu came back. Hua Sheng gave up and forced Xiao Hei to go downstairs to talk with Jiang Liu.

"Mrs. Jiang, my parents are very happy and said they invited you to dinner tomorrow. Will you give me this face?"

"of course."

"I knew that you didn't account for those."

Jiang Liu knew that her parents had hurt Huasheng because of her children, but she really moved Jiang Liu because she didn't care about it.


After Hua Sheng took a deep sleep, she dreamed that the overwhelming fire and rain went downstairs, and then something like a tornado came towards her abdomen.

She unconsciously reached out and blocked, "Don't don't, don't touch my child."

"A Sheng, you wake up soon." Jiang Liu was awakened by Hua Sheng's dream words. It was terrified to see her sweating.

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