Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1698: : Male and female thieves

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Qin Wanyu, go open the door."


Qin Wanyu thought it was a courier or something, did not think about it, and went to open the door.

Feng Xi still murmured in his mouth, "You said that the White Lady is also misunderstood. Isn't it good to be a snake? It's not easy to cultivate into a fine, it's not easy to talk about woolen love? No love, no fart It’s really a blessing that I don’t enjoy. This TV series is just for children, so I can cheat them."

The windy brain circuit is not the same as the average person, so the angle of view is also very blurred.

Hua Sheng knows her better and can catch all her stems and slots.

When Qin Wanyu opened the door, he was startled, "What's the situation?"

"Have you eaten lunch?" Jiang Liu asked.

"No, I just cooked the dishes." Qin Wanyu pointed to the dining table behind him.

"Okay, we haven't eaten either, just happened to have a meal."

After that, before Qin Wanyu opened the door, Jiangliu pushed him away, and took Huasheng's hand and walked in.

Feng Xi was surprised when he saw the two of them.

"What kind of wind is it blowing you both?"

"Twelfth-level typhoon."

Windy: Um...

Hua Sheng glanced at the dining table with a smile. "There are scrambled eggs with green onions. This is what I really want to eat."

"I'll say it. There must be something delicious in his family. Come, wife, you eat this bowl and eat more."

Jiang Liu pressed his daughter-in-law directly on the chair, picked up a bowl of rice, and gave Huasheng a few dishes, not treating herself as an outsider at all.

Qin Wanyu's craftsmanship is really good, because recently he has wanted to coax the wind to marry himself.

So he took his culinary skills to the extreme and changed it to the wind to make it delicious.

Today it happens to be four dishes, scrambled eggs with green onions, shredded yam pork, ancient pineapple meat, and one is pine nuts corn.

All girls like to eat, Qin Wanyu has been busy for more than two hours, sweating.

Before he even waited to eat, Jiangliu and Huasheng took the magpie's nest.

"Eh, eh, I said what happened to you two, are the male and female robbers? Come to my house and rob? Come and eat at the door? Can't you tell the owner?" Qin Wanyu leaned in his back, and he was so angry .

Jiang Liu also learned his brazenness, and asked directly, "Where did you agree with us when you went to our house for dinner? It wasn't just to eat at the door. The fruit in the refrigerator was also taken by yourself. I went to my house in the middle of the night and rubbed directly. There is still a room in my house that still has traces of you two? Believe it or not, I sent you the recorded CD to overseas websites?"


Jiang Liu almost choked to the wind with such a word.

Qin Wanyu was also unable to catch up with the words, "Okay, you are a wealthy Jiang, you have shamelessly videotaped us, are you still human?"

"I am not. My wife is a god. I am the husband of the god. I feel that I am also a half god."

Jiang Liu said that the reason is straightforward, and at the same time, only one third of the rice in hand is left.

Qin Wanyu quickly hugged the wind, "Come on, please hurry up on the table, don't look around, and later, this delicious, all eaten by these two male and female thieves, really Sinfulness."

The wind came back, and the mask on his face was thrown away and thrown in the trash can, so he jumped off the floor, quickly ran to the table, and began to eat.

Perhaps it was a long time without such a relaxed atmosphere, these four people, even less than half an hour, did not eat up four dishes.

What is even more surprising is that Huasheng, who has always had little food, actually ate two bowls of rice.

"Jiang Liu, your daughter-in-law has come to our house to eat a big family? Can you do it, you can't afford it?" Qin Wanyu cried with a sad face.

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