Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1706: :bargain

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Don’t tease me, Mingyan is from the underworld. I came to him and it violated Heaven’s Way. But the monsters are different. There are monsters in the world. It’s not good or bad. They can coexist with humans. But everyone who has the ability is pulled by Ming Yan to do the mission, and those who have no ability can't deal with vampires at all."


Hua Sheng's remarks made Bairan laugh a lot.

Hua Sheng's face was helpless, "Are you so funny, your smile is fascinating, please."

"Little girl, you're so funny, I'm going to tell Lao Gui about these words. You are vomiting his work style. For so many years, no one dared to say, even if there weren't many vomiting Lao Gui in Heavenly Realm. Everything the emperor dared not do, let you finish everything, you are really amazing."

"Okay, this is not a joke, just be so determined. I will make the same bracelet as Feng Qingcheng for you, and you will give me someone."

"Yes, but how long do you need to use it?"

"Just expel these vampires, I only care about Jiangcheng."

In other words, Huasheng is not a Virgin Mary, and does not want to save the world at all, as long as the monsters are driven away, run away, or destroyed.

As long as Jiangcheng is safe, she has achieved her goal.

"It's too simple, so, our fox tribe is definitely not going to come from heaven, they all come with their immortals. But there are indeed some descendants of our demon clan, but they are not direct, but also fox clan, they Most of the qualifications are average, and occasionally there are a few powerful ones who will work hard to practice and eventually cultivate into immortals. Just like the Allied City is enshrined in the gods, in fact, many immortals above the nine days are humans, demons, ghosts, and even cultivated. People in the demon world abandon the secrets and make it clear that as long as they devote themselves to the good, or concentrate on cultivation, it is not difficult to go to heaven, the difficulty is heaven and earth."

"What is the sky?" Hua Sheng felt that Bai Ran was a little off topic.

"It's the interface beyond nine days. There is no way for me and the old ghost to break through. In fact, both of us are very interested. Legend has it that the gods of the ancient times now left this interface and went to Tianwaitian, not only Nine Heavens Xuan Niangniang, and Pangu Emperor, and Nuwa Niangniang, even Yuanshi Tianzun are now no longer above Jiutian, and have gone to Tianwaitian, or a place higher than Tianwaitian."

"Isn't it boring to pursue this endlessly?" Hua Sheng always feels that immortality is terrible enough. If you really have longevity and you have to pursue it layer by layer, then it is extremely boring. Not what she asked for.

"It may be driven by the desire to conquer. Everyone wants to take a look at the more advanced interface, but it is difficult. Even the guy who cuts the moon, so the strong existence of the sky, he still has not broken through the bottleneck and found the entrance to the heaven and the sky. , Let alone us."

"Okay, these are not things that I should worry about. I want to retire with the river in the spring of ten miles, a family of three."

After that, Hua Sheng also subconsciously touched the flat belly.

There is no fetal movement here, and there is no strange reaction, but she just thinks that there is a magical little guy here, pulling himself at all times.

"You are really good, you."

Hua Sheng laughed and said nothing.

"Bai Blind Jiu Tian Xuan Huo has given you, but you will really blame the heavenly things." Bai Ran confessed that Hua Sheng was a man with no ambition.

"So, when will your people arrive?" Huasheng now only cares, letting Bairan send one, which can contain the vampire.

"What about my bracelet, when will it be given to me?" Bairan and the child are, bargaining.

The two were chatting on Xing's head, and the river came downstairs. It was not surprising to see Bairan, "Senior Bairan, when did you come?"

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