Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1714: : First Noble

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jing Sa didn't know how to know the news, but he came.

Fortunately, however, came and argued, with Hua Sheng's mouth and logical thinking, it is estimated that Er Lao Qi was directly given to the crematorium.

"Son, you're just here. Just take a look at this woman...what is she, even mixing things with our family."

But the next son came, and the old man suddenly came to the spirit.

The posture wanted to let his son be angry for them, pointing at Hua Sheng would not give up.

Even if the people around them said that they were unreasonable and that they were overdoing things, the best thing was Jingmu. She took her son's finger to the river and said, "Son, this guy just pushed me a while ago, otherwise I would respond quickly , Just fell down, your dad has fallen down, and there are injuries on his body, you are about to let them lose money."

In the end, people who are small households have only money in their eyes.

I don't want my daughter-in-law's face to be bad and need to rest. The first reaction was actually to let the other party lose money.

Without waiting for Jing Sa to speak, Jiang Liu immediately said, "It was because she wanted to touch my wife that I pulled her away, not pushing. If I really want to push my age and strength, I am afraid you, aunt, you are at this moment, Has a broken bone."

Jiang Liu said that he was polite and not impatient, which caused the crowd of people to immediately feel good.

Jing Sa raised his head and saw Jiang Liu, his face flustered, and immediately apologized, "General Jiang, I'm sorry, my parents came from a small place, they don't understand our Jiangcheng rules, they just...just don't want me to divorce Xiaoping, There is no malice. And... if my parents offended you and Mrs. Jiang just now, I will apologize for them."

After that, Jing Sa directly bowed to the river.

Just look at his own parents who are stupid.

"Son, he is a bad guy, why are you apologizing to him, are you stupid? This kid and his wife didn't help Yu Ping to bully our two elders."

Jingmu couldn't accept her son's apology for the other party, especially in attitude, with a funeral dog.

Not only did he not breathe out, but he also directly wiped out all his prestige, which was simply disgraceful.

Jing Sa whispered, "Don't tell me, dad, the other party is someone I can't afford, you know? If he is angry, I won't be able to mix in Jiangcheng in the future."

Listening to his son's words, the old man and the old lady were both startled.

At this time, there were intermittent voices from the crowd, but the voice was not loud, but everyone heard it clearly.

"How can I look familiar? It turns out that this is President Jiang, God... The first crown prince in Beijing, is that sister Tianxian next to him, isn't Mrs. Jiang? Mama, it really looks beautiful, not surprising, The media has been blowing for a few years. Mrs. Jiang is so young, it looks like a little girl of 18 or 9 years old... This is too cute. And the two of them, both have a sense of justice. The unreasonable old man is really angry."

"My mom, that's President Jiang, the one with a value of over 100 billion yuan, Jiangcheng's No. 1 giant?"

"Yes, the head of the four major families, and the Wang family, the Xie family, and the Hua family are also called the four giants of Jiangcheng. I heard that Mrs. Jiang is also a proud Chinese family. I don’t know whether it is true or not. People like us can’t get in touch with these. Really powerful, I didn’t expect to see me on the street today, and I was so excited."

Hearing the people around me saying that, Jingjia Erlao was suddenly terrified.

"What? He's the richest man in Jiangcheng? Isn't that rich?" The old lady was nagging herself.

Jing Sa quickly reminded her by pulling her mother's sleeve, "Mom, apologize to President Jiang and Mrs. Jiang, otherwise your son will die."

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