Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1721: : Standing at thirty

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Yu looked at Xie Dongyang and did not plan to leave.

"Which customer did you meet today that deserves your attention?"

Deliberately starting from the work side, it may be more natural, Feng Yu also took the opportunity to sit opposite Xie Dongyang.

Xie Dongyang lazily touched the back of his head and looked at the ceiling with his eyes, "Aokang people, haven’t they been hot recently? We have cooperated with the Wang family and the Jiang family before, and we all have a good cake. Today, Aokang’s The vice president is here, does Li Haolin know? The youngest son of Aokang's old man is said to be very spoiled, so I entertained myself. I didn't expect to drink a little more with the boy.

"Aokang is not a company in K City? Li Haolin came to Jiangcheng?"


"What did you talk about?"

"It's almost the time. The specific details have to be discussed at the meeting. Basically it's settled. I plan to develop a golf course and a ski resort with them. If the progress is fast, it can be used in winter."

In fact, Xie's family has been rich and wealthy all these years. Xie Dongyang's desire to make money is not as good as his father's, and he is not as hard-working as his elder brother.

If it weren’t for the Xie family, he really didn’t want to live like this for himself.

In particular, I feel that I have been a lot greasy in the past year. If I still don't insist on fitness, I am afraid that my body will lose shape.

"That's good, you have worked hard."

"What is hard, isn't it our family's business?" Xie Dongyang smiled, not caring about the delicate expression on his sister-in-law's face.

"Ning Ning also said today that if she wants to play abroad during the summer vacation, I promise that if she gets full marks, she can."

"This is a trivial matter, the test is good or not, the children should play and play, our family has everything, my niece does not need to struggle."

"That being said, it must be excellent. I plan to take her to South Africa for the summer vacation. Are you free?"

"Me? I'll forget it. I'm so worried. If your sister-in-law is not at home, I guess I can't walk away."

"Also..." After Xie Dongyang refused, Feng Yu did not feel very disappointed. Think carefully, Xie Dongyang is not like someone who has time to go abroad for vacation.

He himself is not traveling, and Feng Yu does not know.

"Dongyang, have you recently... blind date?"


"I heard from my mother that they said they wanted to introduce you to their girlfriends. What kind of relatives does it seem to be?

"How can I have time? Besides, I haven't been in contact for many years. What does my aunt look like? It's round or flat. I don't remember it. She introduced me to her girlfriend. Can I believe it?"

Feng Yu smiled. "Don't say that. After all, Auntie and Mom have always been in touch. Mom should trust us if we trust."

"What's wrong? Does sister-in-law have the right person to introduce me?"

Xie Dongyang feels that her sister-in-law is a bit strange today. She doesn't go back to bed in the middle of the night. From work to relationship, is there anything wrong?

Feng Yu was a little embarrassed, "Ah, I was going to pick and choose at the company. Is there something suitable for you, but it's not good to look around. The staff at our headquarters, most of them are married and established, and the conditions for not getting married are all conditions. If it’s not great, you won’t agree."

"Oh, forget it. It's good for me to live alone in my life." Xie Dongyang sighed with emotion.

Feng Yu felt a little bit distressed, "Don't talk nonsense, how old you are, stand up to 30, it's the age of a man, always want to... have a woman by his side."

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