Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1724: : Almost God

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang distressed her little niece, squatted down, and embraced her shoulders.

"Ning Ning, you can rest assured that the second uncle will not let the whole school laugh at you."

"So, the second uncle won't marry my mother, right?"

"of course."

Xie Ning burst into tears after listening to the second uncle's assurance, otherwise the tears would fall.

In the end, it's a child, and the things I think about are also around me. I'm just afraid of the abnormal relationship of classmates' jokes, so I don't want to let my second uncle and mother together.

Fortunately, Xie Dongyang didn't really care about her sister-in-law. Otherwise, the niece would have no trouble.

"Ning Ning, you have to stay away from your little aunt in the future."


"Because she has been recently, menopause, as terrible as your grandma, we are far away from her." Xie Dongyang can't tell the child that Xie Dongyao is a demon, so that the child knows if it is more dangerous and can only be fabricated A lie.

"Well, I know, 80% was stimulated by her divorce."


"Second Uncle, don’t you know? My little aunt has divorced. I heard her call one day and I also found a lawyer or something to recount the property. But it’s very strange that the little aunt hasn’t told you, also Didn’t tell my mother my grandma. I think she’s afraid that her family will scold her.”


Xie Dongyang has really been busy with his own affairs recently, and has ignored Xie Dongyao's affairs.

I used to see that Xie Dongyao always lived at home, thinking that it was awkward for the young couple.

Later, when he was on a business trip to the field, the secretary said that Xie Dongyao's husband had also visited him twice in the company, but it happened that he was not there either.

Later, when he came back, he also forgot this, and now Ning Ning said so, but he remembered it.

"What's wrong, uncle?"

"It's okay, you go down to find grandma and they will eat, and the second uncle will wash."

"it is good."

After the little niece left, Xie Dongyang fell into contemplation.

First, Xie Dongyao's husband made a phone call, but the phone did not get through.

Then on the breakfast table, he began to make trouble.


"What's the matter, second brother?"

"Why are you divorcing?"

Xie Dongyang asked directly, Xie Dongyao was obviously startled.

Mrs. Xie stared, listening, thinking she had heard it wrong.

Feng Yu was rather calm. Before listening to her daughter, she said that Xie Dongyao had lived in her family after her miscarriage. She guessed that 80% had a relationship problem.

"Who did you listen to?"

Xie Dongyao was obviously guilty.

"Is it important to listen to anyone? I ask you, is this true?"

"Yeah." Xie Dongyao answered vaguely.

Xie Dongyang slammed the chopsticks directly on the ground.

"What's your second brother?"

"Dongyang, what are you doing, can't you say something, and your sister?" Although Mrs. Xie was shocked by her daughter's marriage, she saw that she was murdered by her son, but she was still partial.

Feng Yu also persuaded, "In the morning, what about you for dinner, what are you doing, Dongyang?"

"Such a big thing, Xie Dongyao, don't you even put a fart? Do you still have family members like us in your eyes?"

Xie Dongyang glared with a beard.

Xie Dongyao perfunctoryly, "I'm not afraid that you are more worried if you know?"

"Yaoyao, this is why, your relationship is not very good, why should you get a divorce, you can let my mother save snacks." Mrs. Xie has been having a bad heart recently, so she didn't have the confidence to talk so much before Too.

Obviously, I couldn't bear any blows. Instead, Xie Dongyang swept her mother's face. "She can have today, isn't it what you are used to? Continue to be used to heaven. I see."

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