Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1727: : Long overdue

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng was on the side, looking at the naive look of the river, and all felt funny.

To show off her pregnancy with love rivals, he really had a good time, but I have to say that since Huasheng became pregnant, Jiangliu has become a lot brighter.

how to say? It seems that there is a little more human touch. In the past, only the familiar talents would be happy and happy.

Now even if you go on the street, it will give people a very easy-going magnetic field. This may be that after becoming a father, the mood has changed?

Unconsciously became gentle, but Jiang Liu himself has not yet discovered.

"Yes, Asheng is pregnant. If it is not a very urgent matter, you really don't have to call her to solve problems. You can go to the wind to solve it. In fact, if you usually call my house Asheng to chat, I I don’t care, I don’t care about chatting. But every time you call, you are guaranteed that there is a mess to be dealt with. Actually, I have a problem with A Sheng, but fortunately she didn’t marry you. Thank you for your family matters."

After that, before the Xie Dongyang refuted, Jiang Liu hung up directly.

After scolding a surname Xie, I felt refreshed.

He handed the phone back to Huasheng, "Wife, give it."

"You are really promising." Hua Sheng couldn't help laughing.

"what happened?"

"After scolding Xie Dongyang, is your heart comfortable?"

"Comfortable, who asked him to find something for you." Jiang Liu sat directly on the sofa, picked up an apple, peeled, and moved skillfully.

"He is also afraid, afraid of losing, after all, his father and brother's things have not passed long, so afraid of his sister..."

"This kind of thing can be done, why do you want you to come forward, you are not a savior."

"Yes, yes, your husband is right."

Hua Sheng feels that there is a departure from the river. Although she can understand Xie Dongyang's situation, she cannot ask the river to understand it.

After all, Xie Dongyang and Jiang Liu are the opposites of their rivals, especially those unscrupulous media who always fan the flames and exaggerately describe the open fight between the two.

In fact, in the past few years, at the beginning, the two have fought several times.

Jiang Liu has not yet put forth any thoughts to deal with Xie Dongyang. The most important thing is that Huasheng doesn't like Xie Dongyang at all.

If he doesn't like it, he loses completely. Does he still need to shoot?

After a while, Jiangliu will hand the cut apple to Huasheng, "Come, eat one."

"Not too much to eat."

"If you choose something, your child will choose it in the future. At that time, the nutrition will be unbalanced. What if you look thin and thin?"

Huasheng: ...

"Really?" Mrs. Jiang's face was innocent. She didn't know what she would do, but she didn't understand these parenting encyclopedias.

Jiang Liu didn't understand it, but people love to learn. Since Hua Sheng became pregnant, there have been a lot of books at home, all about parenting, which is almost becoming a bookstore.

"What are you doing to lie to you? Apple is the most nutritious and the child will look white."

Hua Sheng didn't say anything, lowered his head for a moment, and then quietly took the big apple and nibbled quietly.

When Hua Sheng was about to nibble an apple, Wang Junxian and his wife came.

No driver, Wang Junxian drove by himself, is another black Bentley Continental, low-key luxury has connotation.

Someone must raise the bar, Bentley is still low-key?

That's right, compared with the Wangjia's Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini, Ferrari Limited Edition and Rolls-Royce Phantom, Bentley is really low-key.

Hua Zhi, behind Wang Junxian, quietly lowered her head the moment she entered the door. She was actually not very embarrassed.

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