Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1747: : Slap in the face

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Gingko looked at the old lady and looked at herself, and still felt strange, what's the matter?

Why do I always feel that the old lady today is a little strange, and everyone around me is also a little strange.

Gao He is obviously unaware, she and Ginkgo are both involved, but everyone but them knows this.

This matter was decided by Huasheng, assisted by Huazhi, and Hualin Huafeng also agreed, so...

"I solemnly declare that I want to take Ginkgo as my dry daughter. I have five daughters now. Ginkgo is young, so it will be ranked sixth. It will be called Huaxing in the future."

After Mrs. Hua spoke, everyone followed the applause.

Gingko was dumbfounded, and his mind was blank.

Gao He was also dumbfounded. He didn't even know what was going on. He even applauded.

Mrs. Hua then smiled, "The girl Gingko, who has been following my family for a long time, has taken care of my daughter so well. It is the benefactor of our Hua family. Since it is a big benevolence, we will return it. So our family members discussed it, To officially accept Ginkgo as our Chinese family. But it is not the nominal daughter, it will really enjoy all the benefits of our Chinese family, the company's shares will also have, and my will will also have part of Ginkgo. As a mother, you have to give a gift to meet, also known as a modified gift, Gingko, come over and call me."

Mrs. Hua wore a short-sleeved cheongsam in burgundy velvet and was dignified.

Obviously, Hua Zhi carefully dressed her mother, and she hasn't felt this noble feeling for a long time.

Madam Hua has been in excellent condition these past few days. Perhaps the doctor Hua Zhi sought was useful, not only taking acupuncture and taking medicine, but also hypnotizing some brain nerve repair.

I don't know which one is useful. She was sober for three consecutive days.

While she was sober, Hua Sheng and Hua Zhi also told about it, and Mrs. Hua definitely agreed.

She is all old and no longer values ​​this. Although the Hua family is controlled by the eldest daughter and is a manager, they all know that the real person in charge is Hua Sheng, and Hua Zhi is close behind. Once an important decision is made, As long as Huasheng is determined, this matter will be settled. Hua Zhi and Hua Sheng have good relations and will not disagree.

As for other people, there is no right to speak. It is true that Huasheng's style is to say that they are overbearing and authoritarian.

"Come on, Gingko, call your mother, and then surnamed Hua." Hua Sheng pushed Ginkgo with a smile.

This girl has turned into a sand sculpture, like a stone statue, motionless, always feels her feet are stiff and dare not move.

Hua Zhiyue also said, "It's still my five sisters who are clever. We originally thought about the name a lot, but we were not very satisfied. Later, the five sisters said, since Gingko is called Gingko, then it is named Xingzi, homophonic Xing'er, follow The two of our sisters are all two words, and the stars are also excellent, the name is atmospheric."

Feng Xi then said, "Asheng has always been very meaningful. This star does not represent the star's insignificance, but represents the stars, the sea, and the ginkgo. You must thank Asheng. In the future, you will be Miss Huajia Six Now."

Not only did Mrs. Hua recognize her as her daughter, but she also gave the shares. What kind of decision can someone make? I simply envy the dead voter.

The most important thing is that Hua Zhi also invited photographers and media people to record and take photos in the corner of the second floor.

Just to release this news for a while, so that all the people in Jiangjiang City will know this decision. This is precisely to beat Gao's family members' faces.

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