Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1752: : Pretending to be benevolent

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Those people are still screaming desperately, the scene is about to get out of control.

Hua Sheng stared at the crowd, looked around, and only said one sentence, "Be quiet, everyone listen to me."

The magical thing is that it's just such a flirty sentence, you don't need to shout, you don't need to roar, but just open your mouth, you can shock the audience.

Even the little jasmine behind was shocked.

Hua Sheng said in a word, the audience was quiet, the security guard didn't consciously put up his ears and listened to the speech of the beautiful woman.

"Everyone, thank you for coming here today. I know that you read the news, but also out of trust in me and affirmation of my character. Only then will you not hesitate to grieve yourself for being a nanny in my house, but in fact, my family has already There is no shortage of manpower. The girl of Ginkgo is indeed about to get married, but a few days ago, I have found a little sister, she is very suitable for my character, I plan to leave her, and take care of me, so let you run for nothing Wading."

After talking, Huasheng turned to take Jasmine's hand.

Everyone looked at the seventeen or eighty-eight girl behind Hua Sheng and was suddenly jealous.

But people have already found someone, what else can they do, they can only blame themselves for coming a step late, without that life.

But those people looked downcast, Hua Sheng said to the security team, "Which one is the security captain?"

"I am, Mrs. Jiang."

A middle-aged man walked to Huasheng in a security uniform. The owners here are the top rich people. They must know the owner of each house.

"You will check the people who are queuing here. The distance from the city to here is very long. I will reimburse them for the taxi fare and breakfast money. You can do this. At this moment, the people who are queuing for the job here, each person Five hundred red envelopes is my heart, don't let everyone run for nothing."

Hua Sheng said this, not to mention the security captain, those who queued were dumbfounded.


This is simply a pie in the sky.

"Mrs. Jiang, there are many people queuing here. It is roughly estimated that there are more than one hundred." The captain of the security team followed the distressed money.

Hua Sheng smiled, "It's okay, do it, let your people arrange it, you follow me home to get cash, and one thousand people from your security team are counted as maintaining security on the spot today. Thank you for your due diligence."

The captain of the security team was really touched, a thousand yuan was wrong, but this is the greatest affirmation and respect for their work.

"Sister A Sheng, this too... how much does it cost?"

When Jasmine thought of more than a hundred people, they were all strangers. Each person could get 500 in vain. If they were added together, it would be a large number.

In the end is the rich, the shot is the atmosphere.

Those people were very happy when they heard that they had money to take, and they praised Mrs. Jiang's kindness.

Many people also directly sent a circle of friends, so this storm was once again on the news, and Mrs. Jiang also attracted attention together.

However, there are also some brainwashing fans who will be very uncomfortable torn under the news.

Female fan 1: Huh, what's so great, generous.

Female fan 2: Yeah, this media is really like licking a dog. What does Hua Sheng boast about? In fact, she can't even give birth to a child.

Female powder 3: Yes, the old hen who can't lay eggs, see when the river can bear it?

Female Fan 4: I heard that the Jiang family's second old man has been very dissatisfied with her. Sooner or later, his status is not guaranteed.

These words had always been there, but the wind was tempered, and after reading it, he directly opened a trumpet to scold and scolded for a full morning.

On the other side, someone is not so comfortable.

In the dark jungle, Hua Qing knelt on the ground without waiting for her mouth to be slapped in the face.

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