Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1771: : Abuse of single dogs

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiang Liu's help, "It's true, care for the husband."

"Well, since you are so good in admitting your mistakes, then I forgive you for your care."

In fact, Huasheng didn't blame the rivers anyway. Anyway, after getting a big belly, he would still be exposed when he was taken out.

Although I didn’t hide it for three months, but... just do it, this is not a big deal.

Jiangliu caught Huasheng's finger and kissed it on his lips.

Take the alkaline soda **** Wang Junxian gave to Amway from the food bag. "Come, try this, it is said to have a wonderful effect."

"Well, Hua Zhi sent me a bunch of things, but I'm not interested in cookies."

Huasheng seldom eats snacks. This is quite different from Huazhi.

"Okay, I knew Hua Zhi told you all the time. Why did I find Lao Wang? The kid also blackmailed me and tied me to the stock market for the whole morning."

"You are willing to be routine, don't blame Wang Junxian."

"Okay, you are right. Mrs. Jiang is the ruler with the highest status in our family, so... I don't refute what you say."

Jiangliu Huasheng is so good that he has no temper.

Anyone who reads it will be envious and jealous. At first Jasmine couldn't understand it. Why not thank the boss, now I understand.

Compared with boss Jiang, boss Xie is indeed inferior to him.

Let's just talk about your temper if you don't say it. Boss Jiang is always patient, but Boss Xie is obviously very anxious.

Gingko also came back in the evening and made some spicy cabbages that Huasheng loved to eat and stored them in glass jars.

"Sister Ginkgo, Sister Jiang and Sister A Sheng, have you always been like this?"

"Which way?" Ginkgo washed his hands.

"It's... oops I'm embarrassed to say..."

Jasmine is still a child, so she covered her face and was embarrassed to say it.

Gingko went out from the kitchen probe, and just saw Jiang Liu feeding Huasheng to eat grapes, one by one.

Ginkgo shook his head, "I'm used to it, this is called Gao Tian's abusive dog, we are single it deserves to be abused, I am not, you are."

Jasmine: Boom...

Pity that she is an 18-year-old child and will always be abused.

But who blames his owner's feelings is so good, always sprinkle dog food?

On the other side, Bai Ran agreed to send reinforcements to Jiangcheng, but after all, reinforcements were not Cao Cao, and they did not arrive so quickly.

Therefore, during this time, Jiangcheng relied on Xiaohei to maintain law and order.

When Xiaohe shot, those vampires were really scared.

Can only be driven out of Jiangcheng and retreated to a remote place, so those guys are also unwilling to force Hua Qing.

Hua Qing, Xie Dongyao, and Qiao Xue, who is a hidden god.

These three women unknowingly got a piece, because they all have the same goal, they all have masters behind...

"Those vampires were kicked out of Jiangcheng. It was already a bit irritable. I can't hold it anymore, but I can't deal with Huasheng now."

Hua Qing said this, and the pressure on both sides was great.

Xie Dongyao smiled, "My master is okay, not as cruel as your master, but he didn't blame me, but one thing is similar to you, and I was kicked out by Xie Dongyang."

Hua Qing: He even doubted his sister?

Xie Dongyao: I'm not sure if he is skeptical or because I don't like it. It's hard to say... The person Xie Dongyang is sometimes not as simple as it seems.

"Sister Qiao Xue, what do you mean?"

Hua Qing stared at Qiao Xue in white and asked.

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