Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1774: : Little age

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Ning is very witty, but he is still a child, and after his mother's orders, he no longer doubts.

After getting in the car, he was also unhappy.

"Why didn't my second uncle pick me up?"

"Where will he have time, your mother is busy like that, your second uncle is busy taking off, do you believe it?"

Xie Dongyao slowly started the car and left the school.

"Ning Ning, do you eat chocolate?"

"Do not eat."

"Aren't you a favorite before?"

"The teeth are bad recently."

"Then do you drink? I bought some mango juice."

Xie Dongyao was also prepared for a long time, and bought a lot of snacks to entice the child, almost all of them were the little niece's favorite.

But the more this is, the more vigilant the child is.

Xie Ning looked at those things and shook his head. "No, I just drank water at school and my stomach is full."

Seeing the children not eating or drinking, it is really a bad waiter.

The problem is, there are drugs in this thing, and it's easier to manage if you eat and drink.

If you don’t eat or drink all the time, if you take it away or don’t go home, it’s estimated that it will take some effort.

Sure enough, when he found that the direction of going home was wrong, Xie Ning looked at Xie Dongyao, "Where are you heading? It's not the way home."

"Ah, didn't you just say, do you miss your second uncle? I suddenly thought of your second uncle at a construction site nearby. Let's go and see him. You should be very happy to see him."

"Really? Then why didn't you call your uncle in advance?"

"That's because I want to surprise him, your child...what kind of look at me, I'm your aunt, but your dear aunt, you don't even believe me? Your child, too mature, is thinking too too heavy."

Xie Dongyao pretends to be indifferent to ridicule, but in fact his heart is already a little nervous.

Because it is obvious that the child does not trust himself.

If you trust, at the door of the school, you will not call her mother to verify in front of her.

Xie Ning lowered his head, "The second uncle doesn't like surprises. He has been under a lot of pressure recently. Let's not mess up. You can either drive me home now, or I can call the second uncle and tell him that we are going to watch he."

With that said, the child turned on the phone watch.

Xie Dongyao was so nervous that he stretched out his hand and covered the child's watch.

With the other hand holding the steering wheel, the speed is quite fast. It makes people look thrilled.

"What are you doing?"

Xie Ning is even more nervous, is it obvious that little aunt is not right?

Xie Dongyao smiled awkwardly, "Ning Ning, please don't call first, we will tell you your second uncle later."

"Did you take me to meet my uncle at all?"

The child seemed to see through Xie Dongyao's thoughts and took her directly through.


She was asked by the child, but did not know how to answer for a while?

Xie Ning was even more angry, a small finger, pointing at Xie Dongyao, "You have become very strange recently, my second uncle and I have paid attention to you, I did not expect you to dare to treat me like this, you want my mother and me Uncle, I think I’m an eye-catcher, so I want to get rid of me."

"Ning Ning, what nonsense you are, but I am your aunt, how can you get rid of you?"

"Then you thought about taking me somewhere, not sending me home, and lied to me to find the second uncle... absolutely nothing good, and... do you have drugs in these juices?"

"Ningning..." Xie Dongyao panicked more and more.

"Ning Ning, how can you think of your aunt so much, do you see Paige pig more?"

"Really? If you don't have a drug, then drink it. If you drink a bottle of juice, I will believe you."

Xie Ning picked up a bottle of mango juice and handed it to Xie Dongyao. In the car, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

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