Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1780: : Unknown creature

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The wind waited a while, and he saved the driver's brother.

In addition to Feng Xi and Xie Dongyang, this car also has three men. The driver and the other two are bodyguards picked out by Xie Dongyang.

Each of the three men is over ninety in height, with a big waist and a round waist.

However, in the face of some supernatural creatures, even if the human beings are strong, there is still no use for eggs.

Why did the wind stop the driver and save him a life?

Because the black shadow in front of the car suddenly flew towards the front of the car, the windshield shattered into pieces in a flash.

It can be seen how great his strength is, and the big masters in the car, except Xie Dongyang, are all screaming.

Feng Xi knows that if it is a vampire, the charm is useless.

So he directly took out a bottle of black-red liquid and poured it up towards the black shadow.

The black shadow suddenly wailed, and the spot where it was splashed immediately scorched.

The black stepped back three feet, covering half of the face that was hurt by the liquid, and the whole body exuded anger and anger.

"My mother-in-law, what is that?"

The big brother of the driver was already terrified, and looked at the black shadow by the high beam of the car.

It was a person over two meters tall, at least looking like a human.

However, the movement and power at the moment just now are not the limit that human beings can reach.

The wind squeezed the empty bottle in his hand and blew, "Gee, I'm not afraid of my charm, it really made me a headache, I thought I was really not afraid of anything, it seems that the blood of the black dog makes your door like this, and the combat power is not good. what."

"Is that a vampire?" Xie Dongyang asked the wind.

The wind nodded and Xie Dongyang looked happy. "They are afraid of black dog blood, then we can go get more."

The wind shook his head again, "How can it be so simple, that is not the ordinary black dog blood, that is the black dog blood bathed in cinnabar from childhood, it is very rare, this thing is hard to find, I am such a small bottle, where to go Get more?"

"What should I do, I have a shotgun, let me go and see."

Xie Dongyang went down with a shotgun, which was also fast, and the wind was too late to stop it.

When Xie Dongyang carried his shotgun down, it was the creature in front of the car.

I never thought there was something attacking behind me.

So when the thing threw up, Xie Dongyang turned around subconsciously and gave a positive intimate hug to the thing.

The shotgun also fell to the ground, and Xie Dongyang could only see clearly. The man in front of him was very powerful.

The hair is greenish green, and there are no pupils in both eyes, all are white eyes.

The most obvious are the two fangs, of incredible length and sharpness.

Just like the fierce animals seen in the zoo, it is really difficult to believe the existence of this terrible creature if it is not seen with your own eyes.

Xie Dongyang's men are also witty. Seeing that the boss is in danger, they also get out of the car and pick up the shotgun and take a shot at the man's head.

This shot, headshot, just...

After the bullet passed through the brain, the creature did not stop attacking Xie Dongyang.

Both hands still stuck Xie Dongyang's neck.

Perhaps it was irritated by this shot, the creature suddenly let go of Xie Dongyang and rushed towards the big man under Xie Dongyang.

The man stepped back a few steps and shot again.

However, the shooting did not stop the speed of the creature's attack. The creature jumped into the air and gave a slap towards the big man's face.

With this palm, the big Han suddenly screamed, and then his face was flesh and blood...

The **** smell also spreads in this jungle...

As the **** smell permeated, strange noises began to sound in the forest, just like howling of some animals, and more and more.

The wind slowly got out of the car, pinching fingers. "Oh, there are so many."

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