Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1782: : As a mother

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

For several years, Huasheng and Jiangliu almost never checked each other's mobile phones.

It is common sense to leave some space and privacy for each other, but unfortunately many couples don't know.

Of course, some people will say that if you give her space and privacy, she will be the bargaining chip for cheating and betrayal.

Hua Sheng will refute here, even if you look at it every day, if he wants to cheat and betrayal, you still can't notice it.

This fast information age, and that kind of fast-food love, have distorted society's original values ​​and humanity.

Many people are too lazy to go about even the pursuit of women. They just open the first sentence and ask, are you about?

This has led to less and less true love, but more and more things go to bed and pastime.

In the final analysis, this is still the nature.

A man or a woman, if she is restless in her heart, even if you are guarding at 24 o'clock, she will still have crooked thoughts.

A man or a woman, if she doesn't want to do that in her heart, you are better than checking the phone and privacy, because people are different.

When Huasheng picked up Jiangliu's mobile phone, he saw the second WeChat of Jiangliu's mother.

With this one, she looked at the record and saw the first one again.

To be honest, Hua Sheng is also a mother, and at this moment it is quite sympathetic to her mother-in-law.

Of course, some people will say that your mother-in-law is so kind to you, you can still forgive, but it is really the white lotus in the prosperous age, or the mother of goddess.

But in fact, if you become a mother, you will have a deep experience. The mother's feelings and sustenance for her children are even dependent.

Jiangliu's mother's WeChat said so-

The first one-son, why are you so cruel, do you want to watch us die, your father's health is not good, recently a man carrying so much work, has been a bit overwhelmed, before dinner today, try After the blood sugar test, it was more than 12 o'clock, and the blood pressure was 178. I was very worried about his body. If you don't want to see your dad die, go back to the company, okay?

Jiang Liu didn't reply, so we only had the second WeChat account.

The second article says this-son, I and your dad have recently seen the report. Your daughter-in-law is pregnant. Everyone already knows it, and the media has also reported it. This is a good thing, and some people doubt it. Of course, the two of us are really confused. Maybe we think too much for you before we have that bad idea. But our original motive was to love you, for fear of being blinded by love. After all, your daughter-in-law is so smart and so beautiful. We are really afraid that she will charm you like a fox, and then completely ruin this home. Of course, if your daughter-in-law was wronged by us, then both of us are willing to take down our old faces and apologize to her. Don’t you treat us like that, okay? We really are just your child, you can't watch us die...

Hua Sheng looked quite depressing. Although Jiangliu's mother was also a top rich lady.

But compared to other ladies, they are not good at acting.

To be able to say such shocking words, it must be moved by her heart, which shows that she has also been very desperate recently.

On the one hand, the son's indifference and unforgiveness, and on the other hand, watching his husband's physical condition, how can he not collapse?

After all, they are all in their 60s, how long can they support?

So Hua Sheng felt very uncomfortable. After thinking about it, she replied with a river tone.

She said so-

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