Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1786: : Alone

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang's men didn't last long before they were torn to pieces by those despondent creatures.

Seeing that this is not the way to go, Feng Xi found a exorcist sword from the treasure bag and smeared the remaining bottle of black dog blood on the exorcist sword.

"Xie Dongyang, then."

She tossed the exorcism sword to Xie Dongyang, and Xie Dongyang also responded quickly, and immediately jumped over and took over the rather heavy exorcism sword.

"This is my family's exorcism sword, covered with black dog blood. If you don't want to die, rush out to the old lady and kill it... otherwise not only will your sister and niece not be saved, you will be here."

"I know."

"There are too many of these things, and I have to divert most of them. You walk on another path, and we turn around and gather at the broken cottage at the end."

"it is good."

The broken grass house at the end was painted by Xie Dongyang when the wind set off.

It was the place where Xie Ning and Xie Dongyao were imprisoned. Right now, before reaching the place, they are already surrounded by these things, which is really bad.

Xie Dongyang also couldn't care about the death of his men and was sad, so he rushed out daringly.

The wind is very clever, he has a knife directly to his arm, blood is flowing, probably because he is born with a special constitution.

Coupled with the two demon phantoms in the body, and the small amount of spiritual power that Huasheng passed on to her, the windy blood smelled uniquely sweet.

"A bunch of brainless idiots, come and chase me."

The wind then ran towards another path. Those brainless things are just like catching the wind.

Because of the **** smell of the wind, when it opened, it covered up all the previous smells.

This is an indescribable attraction, and those things can't take care of Xie Dongyang and go after the wind.

The wind is also fast. Just like a gust of wind, you can run with your legs pulled out, and you will celebrate with your feet.

After Xie Dongyang solved the remaining unidentified creatures, his face was also dirty.

Fortunately, he has excellent physical fitness, and he often can't run fitness or something.

Because these things are infinitely powerful, there is only one, and it is difficult for you to control them, let alone three or five.

Fortunately, Xie Dongyang also had a wind-driven exorcism sword, so he ran towards another path.

As soon as I ran in, there were two more unknown creatures.

It seems that this thing has been ambushed for a long time, where is it for them to save people?

This is what it means to annihilate the whole army, maybe to survive, maybe to save the hearts of nieces and sisters.

Xie Dongyang gritted his teeth, wielded the exorcism sword, and chopped those things into flesh and blood, and scattered all over the ground.

This requires a very strong psychological quality, replaced by ordinary people seeing such a scene, has long collapsed.

Where else can I persevere to kill you?

There were almost seven or eighty people behind Feng Xi, if it weren't for Feng Xi to lead these guys away.

I'm afraid Xie Dongyang and she will be in danger.

The wind is okay. After all, if there is blessing from the Feng Family, then Xie Dongyang is likely to hang at any time.

So the wind was thinking about it, or he carried the banner and took away most of the vampires.

The wound in her left arm kept bleeding, probably because it was a bit deep.

So the blood flow was too fast. After a short run, she felt a little dizzy, it should be too much blood, anemia...

Simply under a big tree, the wind never leaned against the tree and ran away.

Holding a dragon-pattern exorcism dagger in her hand, she was covering her wounds while breathing heavily...

Seventy or eighty vampires came from all directions, constantly approaching her...

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